Recognition and validation of prior learning

Recognition and validation of prior learning

PDF Recognition and validation of prior learning Download

  • Author: Sandra Bohlinger
  • Publisher: W. Bertelsmann Verlag
  • ISBN: 9783763911479
  • Category :
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 0

Recognition and Validation of Prior Learning

Recognition and Validation of Prior Learning

PDF Recognition and Validation of Prior Learning Download

  • Author: Sandra Bohlinger
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 20

Validierung Von Lernergebnissen - Recognition and Validation of Prior Learning

Validierung Von Lernergebnissen - Recognition and Validation of Prior Learning

PDF Validierung Von Lernergebnissen - Recognition and Validation of Prior Learning Download

  • Author: Sandra Bohlinger
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN: 9783763948826
  • Category : Recognition of prior learning
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 0

HauptbeschreibungDie Validierung von Lernergebnissen hat in den vergangen Jahren deutlich an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Ziel der Debatte ist die Entwicklung von Ansätzen und Verfahren, um die Berufserfahrung von Arbeitskräften sichtbar zu machen und eine bessere Transparenz und Vergleichbarkeit von Abschlüssen zu gewährleisten. Der Sammelband stellt Leitideen, Ziele, Instrumente und Ansätze zur Anerkennung von Lernergebnissen vor. Die zum Teil englischsprachigen Beiträge beleuchten die Thematik aus einem internationalen Blickwinkel. Zentrale Aspekte sind dabei die rechtliche und politische Verank.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning

PDF Recognition of Prior Learning Download

  • Author: Per Andersson
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1317354737
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 275

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) has emerged in recent decades as an important policy area and policy concept. It is a phenomenon with a certain variation in practices as well as contexts, concepts and conceptions. However, there is a basic idea about giving recognition to prior learning wherever and whenever learning has taken place. Such ideas can be ‘materialised’ in formal assessment systems providing the basis for recognition, as well as in informal processes where prior learning is made visible and gets recognition. This book provides a range of empirically and theoretically based contributions from different parts of the world where RPL, or an equivalent, is mobilised as part of educational practices for adults. Discussion in this area often takes place locally. This volume compiles different kinds of contributions to create a broader dialogue among scholars and practitioners, not only on the specific topic of RPL, but also on more general issues faced in educational research. It was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education.

Dimensions of validation of prior learning in Europe

Dimensions of validation of prior learning in Europe

PDF Dimensions of validation of prior learning in Europe Download

  • Author: Eva Anslinger
  • Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG
  • ISBN: 3763971793
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 182

Im Fokus des Sammelbandes stehen Untersuchungen zur Anerkennung von nonformalem und informellem Wissen. Durch eine Validierung sollen neue Zugänge zum Arbeitsmarkt eröffnet und die Zusammenarbeit und Mobilität innerhalb der EU gestärkt werden. Hier setzt das Erasmus+-Projekt EffectVPL ("Effectiveness of VPL Policies und Programmes for Labour Market Inclusion and Mobility - Individual and Employer Perspectives", 2017-2019) an, dessen Ergebnisse in diesem Band vorgestellt werden. Ausgangspunkt des Projekts zum lebenslangen Lernen war die mangelhafte Anerkennung von Lernerfahrungen, die außerhalb institutioneller Kontexte gewonnen wurden. Im ersten Teil des Bandes werden die theoretischen Grundlagen vorgestellt, bevor die Autor:innen im zweiten Teil empirische Ergebnisse zu Untersuchungen in Polen, Dänemark, der Türkei und Deutschland präsentieren. Abschließend wurde ein Trainingsmodul entwickelt, das die Projektergebnisse für Lehrende in Europa aufbereitet.

New Challenges in Recognition

New Challenges in Recognition

PDF New Challenges in Recognition Download

  • Author: Andrejs Rauhvargers
  • Publisher: Council of Europe
  • ISBN: 9789287163318
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 134

This publication focuses on two topics in particular. First, how qualifications that have not been earned through traditional study programs at classical higher education institutions can be recognized, and second, recognition in a global context. In addition, this book gives an overview of the national action plans for recognition submitted by all the members of the Bologna Process prior to the London ministerial conference in May 2007.--Publisher's description.

Re-theorising the Recognition of Prior Learning

Re-theorising the Recognition of Prior Learning

PDF Re-theorising the Recognition of Prior Learning Download

  • Author: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England and Wales)
  • Publisher: Niace
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Adult education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 354

The recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an educational response to the need to widen participation in education and training for economic advancement and social inclusion. The social meanings of RPL have different configurations depending on historical, cultural, economic and political forces in different places. One constant is the reliance on the widely pervasive educational philosophies of experiential learning: constructivism and progressivism. This book challenges the orthodoxy of experiential learning and the particular readings of knowledge, pedagogy, learning, identity and power which it privileges. It does this by introducing different theoretical resources to RPL and drawing on experiences of RPL in the UK, the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and Sweden. The book provides a range of re-conceptualisations of the relational terrain between adult experience and learning on the one hand, and specialist or academic knowledge on the other.

Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks 2022

Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks 2022

PDF Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks 2022 Download

  • Author: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
  • Publisher: UNESCO Publishing
  • ISBN: 9231006150
  • Category : Political Science
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 724

Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning

Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning

PDF Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning Download

  • Author: Madhu Singh
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: 3319152785
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 220

This book deals with the relevance of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning education and training, the workplace and society. In an increasing number of countries, it is at the top of the policy and research agenda ranking among the possible ways to redress the glaring lack of relevant academic and vocational qualifications and to promote the development of competences and certification procedures which recognise different types of learning, including formal, non-formal and informal learning. The aim of the book is therefore to present and share experience, expertise and lessons in such a way that enables its effective and immediate use across the full spectrum of country contexts, whether in the developing or developed world. It examines the importance of meeting institutional and political requirements that give genuine value to the recognition of non-formal and informal learning; it shows why recognition is important and clarifies its usefulness and the role it serves in education, working life and voluntary work; it emphasises the importance of the coordination, interests, motivations, trust and acceptance by all stakeholders. The volume is also premised on an understanding of a learning society, in which all social and cultural groups, irrespective of gender, race, social class, ethnicity, mental health difficulties are entitled to quality learning throughout their lives. Overall the thrust is to see the importance of recognising non-formal and informal learning as part of the larger movement for re-directing education and training for change. This change is one that builds on an equitable society and economy and on sustainable development principles and values such as respect for others, respect for difference and diversity, exploration and dialogue.

Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education

Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education

PDF Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education Download

  • Author: Martin Mulder
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: 3319417134
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 1142

This book presents a comprehensive overview of extant literature on competence-based vocational and professional education since the introduction of the competence concept in the 1950s. To structure the fi eld, the book distinguishes between three approaches to defi ning competence, based on 1.functional behaviourism, 2. integrated occupationalism, and 3. situated professionalism. It also distinguishes between two ways of operationalizing competence: 1. behaviour-oriented generic, and 2. task-oriented specifi c competence. Lastly, it identifi es three kinds of competencies, related to: 1. specific activities, 2. known jobs, and 3. the unknown future. Competence for the unknown future must receive more attention, as our world is rapidly evolving and there are many ‘glocal’ challenges which call for innovation and a profound transformation of policies and practices. Th e book presents a range of diff erent approaches to competence-based education, and demonstrates that competencebased education is a worldwide innovation, which is institutionalized in various ways. It presents the major theories and policies, specifi c components of educational systems, such as recognition, accreditation, modelling and assessment, and developments in discipline-oriented and transversal competence domains. Th e book concludes by synthesizing the diff erent perspectives with the intention to contribute to further improving vocational and professional education policy and practice. Joao Santos, Deputy Head of Unit C5, Vocational Training and Adult Education, Directorate General for Employment, Social Aff airs and Inclusion, European Commission: “This comprehensive work on competence-based education led by Martin Mulder, provides an excellent and timely contribution to the current debate on a New Skills Agenda for Europe, and the challenge of bridging the employment and education and training worlds closer together. Th is book will infl uence our work aimed at improving the relevance of vocational education to support initial and continuing vocational education and training policy and practice aimed at strengthening the key competencies for the 21st century.” Prof. Dr. Reinhold Weiss, Deputy President and Head of the Research, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Bonn, Germany: “This book illustrates that the idea and concept of competence is not only a buzzword in educational debates but key to innovative pedagogical thinking as well as educational practice.” Prof. Dr. Johanna Lasonen, College of Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA: "Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education is one of the most important multi-disciplinary book in education and training. Th is path-breaking book off ers a timely, rich and global perspective on the fi eld. Th e book is a good resource for practitioners, policymakers and researchers."