PDF Behavior Modification Download
- Author: Raymond G. Miltenberger
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- ISBN: 9781408094648
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- Languages : en
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Continuing the tradition of excellence established in previous editions, distinguished researcher, practitioner, and educator Alan Kazdin integrates pioneering and recent research with discussions and examples for altering behavior and the conditions that influence their effectiveness. The Seventh Edition reflects several developments within the field of behavior modification, without diminishing an essential emphasis on applied research and intervention techniques. Kazdin has expanded and refined discussions of functional behavioral assessment, antecedent events and their influence on behavior, assessment options, ensuring the quality of assessment, data evaluation, and ethical and legal issues. New to this edition is an Appendix to guide a behavior-change project that focuses on applying the content of the book in everyday life. In addition to comprehensive coverage and lucid explanations of how assessment, evaluation, and intervention work together to improve the care of individuals, the text contains many learning-oriented features, such as chapter outlines that convey content, direction, and key points; practical examples of principles and techniques; an abundant number of tables that summarize important concepts; exercises for designing or evaluating a specific intervention or for changing a program that is not working; and a list of key terms at the end of the chapters. By completing the exercises and understanding the terms, students can master the core content of the chapters. This outstanding text enables students and professionals with varied interests to implement effective techniques with individuals and in contexts where behavior change is desperately neededin a world challenged by a wide range of social problems.
This book is an account of a personal journey through a research program. A number of people have helped guide my way. To them I am deeply grateful. Special thanks are offered to my students, whose constant stimulation and provocation were incentives to write this book. Moreover, in the belief that they would never show the initiative to put together a festschrift for me (Le., a book dedicated to someone for his contributions), I decided to do it myself. Several people cared enough to offer editorial criticisms, namely, Myles Genest, Barney Gilmore, Roy Cameron, Sherryl Goodman, and Dennis Turk. The reader benefits from their perspicacity. Finally, to my parents, who taught me to talk to myself, and to my family, without whose constant input this book would have been completed much sooner, but would have been much less fun, I dedicate this book. D.M. 5 Contents Prologue 11 Chapter 1 17 Self-Instructional Training Hyperactive, Impulsive Children: An Illustration of a Search for a Deficit 23 Luria's Model (24), Private Speech and Mediational Skills (27) Self-Instructional Treatment of Hyperactive, Impulsive Children: A Beginning 31 Empirical Studies of Self-Instructional Training 34 Combining Self-Instructions and Operant Procedures (44), Reasoning Rediscovered (47), Importance of Attributional Style (48), Taking Stock (54) Chapter 2 The Clinical Application of Self-Instructional Training to Other Clinical Populations: Three Illustrations 55 Social Isolates 56 Creative Problem-Solving 58 Adult Schizophrenics 68 What Shall We Say to Ourselves When We Obtain Negative Results? 77 7 8 Contents Chapter 3
Assuming no prior knowledge of behaviour modification or psychology, this text offers students hands-on experience with the principles of behaviour modification and their application to everyday concerns - from helping children learn life's necessary skills to solving personal behaviour problems.
This clearly written and engaging text is a comprehensive introduction to the principles and techniques of behavior modification. Drawing on research, theory and personal experience, the author explains and provides examples of how these principles have been tested and applied in a variety of settings. The text is organized so that relatively simple concepts and techniques are introduced in the beginning chapters and then built upon toward increasingly complex and specialized methods, allowing behavior modification principles to unfold in an orderly sequence. Coverage of seldom covered topics includes overshadowing, habit reversal, self-monitoring, self-instruction, and covert behavioral methods for changing respondent behavior.
In this book, I have attempted to evaluate critically the very large literature which has accumulated in the area of biofeedback over the past 10-15 years. As might be expected in any area of psychology with clinical possibilities, the literature divides itself into two main categories-fundamental research studies and therapeutic studies. It is now apparent that the clinical applications of biofeed back have far outstripped their fundamental research bases, with the inevitable result that the initial wave of enthusiasm may be replaced with an unnecessarily severe skepticism. Either extreme position is unjustified. Biofeedback does rep resent an important new approach to the elucidation of the role played by internal systems in the adjustment of the organism to its environment. But its potential will only be revealed if its use in practice is soundly based on fundamental research. There are promising signs that this is being realized so that there is cause for optimism. Aubrey J. Yates Perth, Australia A Note on the References With the exception of no more than two or three papers, all the references in this book have been obtained and read. However, many of them were published in journals which will not be readily accessible to the reader who may be interested in consulting more directly particular articles which attract his attention.
Progress in Behavior Modification, Volume 1 reviews advances in the understanding of behavior modification, with emphasis on theoretical underpinnings, research findings and methodologies, and assessment techniques. Control of psychophysiological processes and ethical issues in behavioral control are considered, along with the effects of social influences on behavior and the contribution of behavior therapy to the treatment of physical illness. Comprised of eight chapters, this volume begins with a discussion on the evolution of behavior modification, with particular reference to its application as a methodological approach to the study and treatment of psychological disorders. The next chapter offers an interpersonal analysis of depression from theoretical, research, and therapeutic standpoints, followed by an analysis of developments in the behavioral treatment of phobic and obsessive-compulsive disorders. The ethical and legal ramifications of behavior therapy are also evaluated, paying attention to court decisions, the issue of patients' rights, and the efficacy of the behavioral approach compared to other systems of treatment. The remaining chapters focus on the contribution of behavior modification to the field of juvenile delinquency; advances in token economy research; individual behavior therapy; and the complementary roles of drugs and behavior modification. This book should be of interest to theoreticians, researchers, or practitioners in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, and behavior therapy as well as social work, speech therapy, education, and rehabilitation.
Almost all parents have children who have behavior problems. They feel frustrated and angry and sometimes helpless when nothing seems to work. Behaviors seem to get worse and worse. This Manual gives the parent methods of changing those behavior problems. Each of the methods have been tested by our Clinic and taught to these parents. They have reported their success and changes in the children. They also have reported how much happier the children are because they have learned exactly where the limits are. Similarly the Manual describes methods to help the parents of teen-agers deal with everything from anger, and disobedience, to underachievement. All methods have been tested and found to be successful. Emphasis is placed on prevention of problems.