Retrieval Practice 2

Retrieval Practice 2 : Implementing, embedding & reflecting

The research supporting retrieval practice is overwhelming; it is an effective and essential teaching and learning strategy. Leaders, teachers, students and parents all need to know about this strategy and how it can enhance learning. Retrieval practice is being widely used across schools and the research continues to shape classroom practice. After the success of Retrieval Practice: Research & Resources for every classroom, Kate Jones, an evidence-informed teacher and leader, takes the discussion further, going beyond the background, basics, and benefits of this strategy. This book focuses on the effective implementation of retrieval practice to support both teachers and leaders to ensure retrieval practice becomes firmly embedded in classroom routines. There are contributions from leading academics and a range of subject specialists reflecting, offering their wisdom and expertise as to how retrieval practice can be utilised to have a positive impact in the classroom and on outcomes. From the latest research to addressing common mistakes and tackling retrieval practice during a global pandemic, Retrieval Practice: Implementing, embedding & reflecting takes a fresh and in-depth look at this tried and tested technique.

  • Format: Paperback | 164 pages
  • Dimensions: 148 x 210 x 12.7mm | 300g
  • Publication date: 23 Mar 2021
  • Publisher: John Catt Educational Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: Suffolk, United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 191362241X
  • ISBN13: 9781913622411
  • Bestsellers rank: 24,982

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