Sensorimotor Interventions

Sensorimotor Interventions : Using Movement to Improve Overall Body Function

Optimal function of our bodies occurs when our sensory and motor systems are strong and able to adapt to the demands of the environment. Today's children often struggle with fidgeting, decreased attention, and immature motor patterns which manifest themselves through frustration and behavior issues. When our body's systems are not integrated to form a strong foundation, difficulties in many areas occur. This book provides education about using movement to improve overall function. Instruction and pictures for movement activities, which are fun-based are included. A menu of activities for therapists are easily accessible by thumbing through the book. By organizing and categorizing activities by target area, therapists will enjoy choosing fun and easily duplicated therapeutic games. Various pieces of equipment designed for therapeutic purposes are commonly utilized by occupational therapists (OTs). Three creative and fun activities are illustrated and explained for each piece of equipment listed in the book. Each activity is broken down into specific target areas. Some target areas are proprioceptive, tactile, vestibular systems, timing, spatial aware-the body system impacted by the activity, visual perception, sensory seeking, sensory modulation, posture, coordination, among many others.

  • Format: Paperback | 70 pages
  • Dimensions: 216 x 279 x 5.08mm | 181.44g
  • Publication date: 24 Jun 2017
  • Publisher: Future Horizons Incorporated
  • Publication City/Country: Arlington, United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 1935567721
  • ISBN13: 9781935567721
  • Bestsellers rank: 296,788

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