Illustrated Guide to Home Forensic Science Experiments

Illustrated Guide to Home Forensic Science Experiments

If you're taking a basic course in classical physics, or have a healthy curiosity for the way things work in the physical world, the Illustrated Guide to Home Physics Experiments provides an ideal hands-on introduction to physics lab techniques and data analysis. With this book and a few simple (and inexpensive) tools and materials, you'll learn to conduct experiments that answer questions about our world, make demonstrations to show off physical principles, and do theoretical lab work to discover how the world works. Perfect for do-it-yourselfers, home-schooled high school students, and college students, this book will help you: Learn everything from the basics of motion all the way to particle physics - including energy, thermodynamics, magnetic fields, optics, and much more Take careful measurements of physical phenomena and conduct data analysis Build and perform physics demonstrations that are fascinating and fun Construct computer models to represent aspects of the physical world It's easy to get started. You can build most of the experiments and demonstrations in this book with ordinary household tools, using materials that you can scrounge, borrow, or get free.
The most important thing is your willingness to enter the door of discovery that awaits you. The Illustrated Guide to Home Physics Experiments is your key.

  • Format: Paperback | 448 pages
  • Dimensions: 203 x 248 x 26.67mm | 1,011.51g
  • Publication date: 07 Sep 2012
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA
  • Imprint: Make Community, LLC
  • Publication City/Country: Sebastopol, United States
  • Language: English
  • Illustrations note: Illustrations
  • ISBN10: 1449334512
  • ISBN13: 9781449334512
  • Bestsellers rank: 408,463

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