PDF Tools for Community Participation Download
- Author: Lyra Srinivasan
- Publisher: Oef International for Prowwess/Undp
- Category : Science
- Languages : en
- Pages : 192
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Dieses Buch behandelt Design und Planung als Gemeinschaftsprojekt, d.h. Gemeinde oder Auftraggeber eines neuen Projektes werden zusammen mit den Experten aktiv in den Designprozeß eingebunden, und zwar von Anfang an. Diese Methode wird für kleine und große Projekte genutzt - angefangen beim Wohnungsbau über Parkanlagen und soziale Einrichtungen über Nachbarviertel und ganze Städte. Unterteilt in zwei große Themenkomplexe behandelt das Buch in Teil 1 die Grundlagen und Methoden zur Einbeziehung der Gemeinde und in Teil 2 Fallstudien, die anschaulich darstellen, wie jedes Prinzip und jede Methode angewandt und umgesetzt wird. Schwerpunktmäßig werden visuelle und ästhetische Mittel eingesetzt, um den Designprozeß zu vermitteln. Mit über 15 Fallstudien zu Bildungseinrichtungen, Wohnanlagen sowie städtischen und ländlichen Designbeispielen und zahlreichen Checklisten und Abbildungen.
This report documents the results of road-testing two frameworks for assessing community participation: Active partners: Benchmarking community involvement in regeneration (Yorkshire Forward, 2000) and Auditing community participation: An assessment handbook (The Policy Press, 2000). The report examines whether the tools were useful, what worked most effectively and how the tools might be amalgamated on the basis of what was learned from the road-testing. The practical difficulties involved in using the tools were also explored. The lessons learned have enabled the production of a new companion handbook for development and assessment, Making community participation meaningful, which combines and develops the original frameworks.
Community participation is now demanded of virtually all public sector services and programmes. This handbook provides practitioners, community activists, regeneration managers, teachers and academics with the tools needed to ensure that it is effective.
This booklet is a supplement to the WHO monograph Tools for assessing the O&M status of water supply and sanitation in developing countries which comprises nine tools for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of operations and maintenance (O&M) of water supply and sanitation services. The WHO tools are: Tool 1: Effectiveness of the O&M management system. Tool 2: Guidelines for an audit of O&M. Tool 3: A framework for assessing the status of O&M. Tool 4: Guidelines on O&M performance evaluation. Tool 5: Guidelines on O&M performance reporting. Tool 6: Guidelines for the selection of performance indicators. Tool 7: Performance indicators for water supply and sanitation. Tool 8: Potential information sources. Tool 9: Participatory information-gathering. Tool 7 suggests performance indicators which are specific to water supply and sanitation; all other tools are generic and apply equally to any other of the urban services. Tool 7A has been produced as a supplement to Tool 7 which provides some indicators in relation to these other urban services. On inspection of Tools 7 and 7A, however, it can be seen that it is relatively straightforward to develop equivalent performance indicators oneself for one's own use. An additional Tool 10 has also been prepared to offer advice on indicators for technical, financial and institutional sustainability.
Effective administration of government and governmental organizations is a crucial part of achieving success in those organizations. To develop and implement best practices, policymakers and leaders must first understand the fundamental tenants and recent advances in public administration. Public Affairs and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications explores the concept of governmental management, public policy, and politics at all levels of organizational governance. With chapters on topics ranging from privacy and surveillance to the impact of new media on political participation, this multi-volume reference work is an important resource for policymakers, government officials, and academicians and students of political science.