Steiner Education in Theory and Practice

Steiner Education in Theory and Practice

PDF Steiner Education in Theory and Practice Download

  • Author: Gilbert Childs
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : 1861-1925
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 248

Rudolf Steiner is perhaps most widely known as the founder of the Waldorf schools and for his challenging and innovative ideas on children's mental development and education. What these ideas are and how they are put into practice are not so well known. Steiner (Waldorf) Education is a clear exposition of Steiner's view of the child as a developing personality based on body, soul, and spirit. It describes the stages of the child's development and gives a detailed account of the Steiner/Waldorf school curriculum and teaching methods. It will be useful both to those already involved with Steiner/Waldorf schools and also to anyone who wants to learn more about this well-established alternative to the state educational system.

Theory and Practice of Dr. Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogy

Theory and Practice of Dr. Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogy

PDF Theory and Practice of Dr. Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogy Download

  • Author: Walter Siegmeister
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 640

Waldorf Education

Waldorf Education

PDF Waldorf Education Download

  • Author: Richard J. S. Blunt
  • Publisher: Novalis Press (ZA)
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 264

This thorough primer on Waldorf education provides the reader with a complete and easily accessible introduction to Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf educational theory. Beginning with a short biography of Steiner and a review of his writings and the various works about him, the author goes on to discuss Steiner's concept of Man, and his ideas regarding the stages of development and their implications for education. At this point, Blunt undertakes a dear analysis of the Waldorf system including its aims, principles, and methods. Here he discusses the training of Waldorf teachers, the various subjects and how they are approached, and ends with a description of how an average Waldorf school operates on each class level.This is a wonderful introduction to the entire Waldorf process for anyone thinking about enrolling their child in one of the schools or for anyone merely interested in the Waldorf system of education.

The Child's Changing Consciousness

The Child's Changing Consciousness

PDF The Child's Changing Consciousness Download

  • Author: Rudolf Steiner
  • Publisher: SteinerBooks
  • ISBN: 0880109114
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 300

8 lectures, Dornach, April 15-22, 1923 (CW 306); plus "Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance" Three and a half years after the founding of the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Germany, these talks were given to an audience of Swiss school teachers, most having little knowledge of Anthroposophy. This is the context of these lectures, which are among Rudolf Steiner's most accessible talks on education. A teacher who attended the lectures wrote in the Berne school paper: "Every morning, as we listened anew to Dr. Steiner, we felt we had come closer to him and understood better what he had to say and how he had to say it. Daily, we newcomers gathered, asking ourselves: Why are more of our colleagues not here? It is untrue that anthroposophy limits a person, develops blinkers, or avoids real life.... Step by step, Dr. Steiner shows its application to life...illumining the details and disclosing their connection with profound questions of life and existence. I came to the conference to stimulate my school work. I found benefit in abundance. But also, I unexpectedly received a greater richness for heart and soul --and, from this in turn shall stream richness for my classes." In other words, these lectures are ideal for anyone who is approaching Waldorf education for the first time. Using language that any teacher or parent can understand, Steiner goes into the essentials of his educational philosophy, providing many examples and anecdotes to convey his meaning. In this way, against the background of the developing child, he allows the curriculum and the method of teaching to emerge as the commonsense conclusion of practical experience. German source: Die pädagogisch Praxis vom Geichtspunkte geisteswissenschaftlicher Menschenerkenntnis (GA 306).

An Introduction to Steiner Education

An Introduction to Steiner Education

PDF An Introduction to Steiner Education Download

  • Author: Francis Edmunds
  • Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press
  • ISBN: 1855842718
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 159

"To educate youth ... is to ennoble the mind, to fire the imagination, to fortify the will and to quicken initiative for life.' So writes Francis Edmunds in this inspiring, authoritative and popular introduction to Steiner (Waldorf) Education. Rudolf Steiner's educational system, well established and respected on the European continent, is gradually spreading internationally. Its radical principles, based on a view of the human being as composed of body, soul and spirit, allows for a truly holistic and balanced education that nourishes the whole child. The author explains in a clear, lively style many aspects of Steiner's educational theory, in particular the three stages of childhood development and how the Waldorf curriculum allows for a healthy understanding, nurturing and support of these phases. The role of the class teacher, the 'main lesson', temperaments, attitudes to discipline, competition and examinations are all discussed, and answers given based on the author's many years of rich and varied experience as an educator of both children and adults. This volume is an excellent introduction to the theory and practice of Steiner education, both for teachers or educationalists who would like to know more about Steiner's ideas, and for parents thinking of sending their child to a Waldorf school.

Practical Advice to Teachers

Practical Advice to Teachers

PDF Practical Advice to Teachers Download

  • Author: Rudolf Steiner
  • Publisher: SteinerBooks
  • ISBN: 9780880104678
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 228

14 lectures, Stuttgart, August 21-September 5, 1919 (CW 294) How do Waldorf teachers put their educational ideals into practice in the classroom? How does a teacher connect geography and art and language in a way that enlivens the souls of children? What does a child's respect for the teacher mean for later life? These are only a few practical aspects of this initial course for Waldorf teachers. During an intensive two weeks, Rudolf Steiner gave three simultaneous educational courses to those who would be the first teachers of the original Waldorf school. One course provided the foundational ideas behind Waldorf education (The Foundations of Human Experience); another provided a forum for questions and lively discussions on specific issues in the classroom (Discussions with Teachers). In this course, Steiner takes the middle-path by integrating theory and practice. Here, Steiner spoke of new ways to teach reading, writing, geography, geometry, language, and much more. His approach is tailored to the spiritual and physical needs of the children themselves, not to an arbitrary curriculum based solely on external results. At a time when public education is in a state of crisis, this book describes how children around the world are being guided into adulthood with a fuller sense of themselves and with a creative approach to life and the world around them. German source: Erziehungskunst. Methodisch-Didaktisches (GA 294).

Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner

PDF Rudolf Steiner Download

  • Author: Heiner Ullrich
  • Publisher: Continuum
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Biography & Autobiography
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 294

Rudolf Steiner is indisputably a major thinker in education. Heiner Ullrich's volume offers the most coherent account of Steiner's educational thought. This work is divided into:Intellectual biography Critical exposition of Steiner's work The reception and influence of Steiner's work The relevance of the work today

Die Waldorfpädagogik

Die Waldorfpädagogik

PDF Die Waldorfpädagogik Download

  • Author: Johannes Kiersch
  • Publisher: Verlag Freies Geistesleben
  • ISBN: 3772543928
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 94

Eine Einführung - kurz und prägnant Diese kompakte Einführung in die Waldorfpädagogik hat sich seit Jahrzehnten bewährt - nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil der erfahrene Autor sie immer wieder aktualisiert hat, um gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen aufzugreifen und die neueste Fachliteratur zu berücksichtigen. So auch bei dieser gründlich überarbeiteten, ganz auf den letzten Stand gebrachten Neuauflage.

Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogy of Imagination

Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogy of Imagination

PDF Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogy of Imagination Download

  • Author: Thomas William Nielsen
  • Publisher: Peter Lang
  • ISBN: 9783039103423
  • Category : Holistic education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 284

This book investigates the concept and practises of imaginative teaching. Since Rudolf Steiner (founder of the Waldorf schools) wrote extensively on the subject and is renowned for his contributions to education, his work is used to develop insights into the nature of 'imaginative teaching'. Given the societal changes since Steiner's time, however, the topic is further developed by examining imaginative teaching in three Steiner primary classrooms, using the methodological means of ethnography and phenomenology. The insights gained from this undertaking are used to re-theorise aspects of Steiner's writings about imagination and holistic education. In this study it is argued that imaginative teaching is made up of three modes of pedagogy and seven teaching methods, and that these modes and methods form a most potent means for connecting children with aesthetic, intellectual and physical development.

Das anthroposophische Menschenbild Rudolf Steiners als Grundlage der Waldorfpädagogik

Das anthroposophische Menschenbild Rudolf Steiners als Grundlage der Waldorfpädagogik

PDF Das anthroposophische Menschenbild Rudolf Steiners als Grundlage der Waldorfpädagogik Download

  • Author: Daniela Hammerschmidt
  • Publisher: GRIN Verlag
  • ISBN: 3638818640
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 20

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Wissenschaft, Theorie, Anthropologie, Note: 1,3, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Pädagogisches Institut), Veranstaltung: MS Anthropologie II, 11 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In den letzten Jahren ist gerade das deutsche Schulsystem vor allem durch die Ergebnisse der Pisa- Studien zunehmend in Kritik geraten. Um ihren Kindern einen besseren Bildungsweg zu ermöglichen und ihnen somit auch höhere Chancen für das spätere Berufsleben zu eröffnen, suchen immer mehr Eltern nach einer Alternative zu den staatlichen Gymnasien, Haupt- und Realschulen. Eine Alternative bieten die Waldorfschulen, die in der Öffentlichkeit häufig polarisieren. Sie werden von ihren Befürwortern in den höchsten Tönen gelobt, als das einzig „wahre“ Schulkonzept propagiert und gleichzeitig von einem großen Teil der Bevölkerung mit Vorurteilen konfrontiert und kategorisch abgelehnt. Eine Schule ohne Zensuren und ohne Sitzenbleiben wird in einer Gesellschaft wie der unsrigen, in welcher das gesellschaftliche Handeln durch universalistische Wertorientierungen sowie durch das Leistungsprinzip gekennzeichnet ist, nur schwer ernst genommen. Dass sich in solch einer Schule wirkliche Lernerfolge erzielen lassen, bezweifeln Viele. Auch die Annahmen, dass in Waldorfschulen mehr gespielt als gelernt bzw. gelehrt wird und dass dort der Unterricht in runden Räumen ohne Ecken oder gar nur in der freien Natur stattfindet, zählen zu den gängigen Vorurteilen gegenüber Waldorfschulen. Die meisten Vorurteile bestätigen sich allerdings bei einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept der Waldorfschulen nicht. Somit stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern sich das Konzept der Waldorfpädagogik von dem anderer Schulen unterscheidet und welches Menschenbild diesem Konzept zugrunde liegt. Die Anthroposophie Rudolf Steiners bildet die Grundlage der Waldorfpädagogik. Aus ihr leiten sich sowohl der Lehrplan als auch die verwendeten Methoden ab. Zunächst möchte ich mich den Fragen widmen, was genau unter Anthroposophie verstanden wird und wo die Ursprünge dieses Begriffes zu suchen sind. Daraufhin soll das anthroposophische Menschenbild in Bezug auf die Entwicklung und die vier Wesensglieder des Menschen sowie auf die Temperamentenlehre nach Steiner und die zentrale Vorstellung von Reinkarnation und Karma dargestellt werden. Darauf Bezug nehmend werden die Besonderheiten der Waldorfschulen vor allem in den Bereichen des künstlerischen, religiösen und fremdsprachlichen Unterrichts aufgezeigt und erklärt. Neben den Besonderheiten im Lehrplan, sollen auch die Rolle des Lehrers und die Versetzungs- und Bewertungsregeln in Waldorfschulen erläutert werden. Abschließend geht es um eine kurze kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept der Waldorfpädagogik und ihrer anthroposophischen Grundlagen sowie um eine persönliche Einschätzung der Thematik. Meine Arbeit kann als Versuch einer Zusammenfassung bzw. eines Überblicks über die komplexe Thematik des anthroposophischen Menschenbildes als Grundlage der Waldorfpädagogik verstanden werden.