PDF Scott Foresman Reading Street: Common Core, Grade K Download
- Author: Scott Foresman and Company
- Publisher: Scott Foresman
- ISBN: 9780328724406
- Category : Education
- Languages : en
- Pages : 144
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Reading Street - Elementary Reading Comprehension Program Scott Foresman Reading Street (c) 2008 is an all-new reading instruction program for Grades PreK-6. Reading Street is designed to help teachers build readers through motivating and engaging literature, scientifically research-based instruction, and a wealth of reliable teaching tools. The reading program takes the guesswork out of differentiating instruction with a strong emphasis on ongoing progress-monitoring and an explicit plan to help with managing small groups of students. In addition, Reading Street prioritizes skill instruction at each grade level, so teachers can be assured they will focus on the right reading skill, at the right time, and for every student.
Scott Foresman Reading Street (c) 2011 is an all-new comprehensive Reading and Language Arts series for the 21st Century. Reading Street delivers classic and soon-to-be classic literature, scientifically research-based instruction, and a wealth of groundbreaking online experiences for high student engagement. My Teaching Library takes the guesswork out of Response to Intervention with a strong core emphasis on ongoing progress-monitoring and an explicit plan for managing small groups of students. The architecture of Understanding by Design accelerates all learners, especially English language learners, toward greater proficiency with a sustained Unit focus on concepts and language. Learn more.
". . . presents annotated lessons from Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 4 of Scott Foresman Reading Street. Each annotated lesson will lead you through one week of instruction. The annotations describe lesson features at each grade and cite the research that supports the instruction"--Introduction, p.4.