Productive Math Struggle

Productive Math Struggle

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  • Author: John J. SanGiovanni
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 154436945X
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 154

"Seldom has a book been as timely or as necessary as Productive Math Struggle is today. . . One of the remarkable accomplishments of SanGiovanni, Katt, and Dykema’s work lies in how they seamlessly connect the research on high-quality tasks, high expectations, identity, and equity to productive math struggle. This is perhaps their greatest contribution. The authors see productive math struggle as a critical feature of mathematics classrooms that support access, equity, and empowerment, specifically arguing that every student is ‘worthy of struggle.’" From the Foreword by Matt Larson, Ph.D. Past President (2016-2018), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Associate Superintendent for Instruction, Lincoln Public Schools, Nebraska Struggle is hard. Productive struggle is power. All students face struggle, and they should—it is how they learn and grow. The teacher’s job is not to remove struggle, but rather to value and harness it, helping students develop good habits of productive struggle. But what’s missing for many educators is an action plan for how to achieve this, especially when it comes to math. Persevering through difficult challenges to reach new learning is the core of Productive Math Struggle. When left unsupported, struggle can become unproductive and demoralizing, negatively influencing students’ mathematical identities. The authors guide teachers through six specific actions—including valuing, fostering, building, planning, supporting, and reflecting on struggle—to create a game plan for overcoming obstacles by sharing Actionable steps, activities, and tools for implementation Instructional tasks and vignettes representative of each grade level Real-world examples showcasing classroom photos and student work samples A book study guide is available under the Free Resources tab that helps math educators to learn together on how to incorporate productive math struggle in their classrooms. Revolving around the idea that math is a way of thinking and understanding, and not just the pursuit of answers and procedures, this book empowers students to embrace productive struggle to build essential skills for learning and living—both inside and outside the classroom.



PDF Mathematics Download

  • Author: Alvin Allen
  • Publisher: AuthorHouse
  • ISBN: 1665519452
  • Category : Mathematics
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 64

Is 1+1 always 2? Well some would say yes and others would ask, “what else could it be?” The answer lies within the understanding of productive struggle. For those educators that lead their students in the direction to the answer they want them to achieve, 1 + 1 will always give you the value of 2. However, if you are the type of educator that believes your students can see beyond the obvious and can discover for themselves that the answer is not always starring them in the face, then you are the type of educator that knows the art of perseverance. It will take some problem solving, foundational skills, getting to know more than just their names, and most importantly, a shift in thinking. Then, you will find that 1 + 1 just may give you so much more than 2. The “struggle is real” when it comes to getting students to see the benefit of working hard. Discover how to concentrate more on the process and the prize will be worth the work!

Meaningful Small Groups in Math, Grades K-5

Meaningful Small Groups in Math, Grades K-5

PDF Meaningful Small Groups in Math, Grades K-5 Download

  • Author: Kimberly Rimbey
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071897012
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 322

Target the Math...Support the Students...Provide Access for All The need for focused small group math instruction has never been greater. Today’s education landscape is fraught with learning divides unlike anything we’ve faced in recent years. We need new ways of teaching students who have remarkably varying levels of understanding and vastly different needs. Meaningful Small Groups in Math, Grades K-5 offers practical guidance on how to meet the diverse needs of today’s students. Written for K-5 classroom teachers, math interventionists and instructional coaches, this user-friendly, accessible book provides guidance on the necessary components of small group instruction in math, trajectories for small-group instruction on specific concepts, and practical steps for getting started. Readers will find Checklists and templates for implementing small group, sample lessons in the major content domains Emphasis on flexible groups Intervention and extension ideas for differentiating learning A chapter devoted to developing small-group programs across a school or organization Small group instruction in mathematics has not been as well-developed as its counterpart in the reading world. In K-5 math classrooms, small-group instruction has typically been reduced to learning centers and rotation stations, with little emphasis on differentiated, small-group, teacher-facilitated learning. To meet the needs of today’s students, a more focused approach is needed.

Bringing Project-Based Learning to Life in Mathematics, K-12

Bringing Project-Based Learning to Life in Mathematics, K-12

PDF Bringing Project-Based Learning to Life in Mathematics, K-12 Download

  • Author: Maggie Lee McHugh
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071915630
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 309

Go beyond problem-solving and performance tasks. Bring project-based learning to life! Do you want your students to be more engaged in their mathematics lessons while also amplifying cultural relevancy and equity? If so, proceed to the next level of instruction with project-based learning (PBL)! This book provides the whole PBL game plan designed by an experienced, award-winning teacher and researcher. Whether you want to start with small steps or you are ready for full implementation in your classroom, project-based learning experiences can lead to forever memories and deeper learning for your students. Answering the why, what, and how of embarking on the journey toward PBL, readers will find Need-to-Know questions to open each chapter Student and educator vignettes to identify stumbling blocks and successes PBL Plus Tips that identify those small steps teachers can make to gradually shift toward PBL Your Turn prompts to actively connect ideas to your practice This approachable guide includes everything you need to move from tasks to memorable project-based experiences that leverage student voice and choice and build a welcoming classroom culture!

Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Secondary Math

Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Secondary Math

PDF Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Secondary Math Download

  • Author: Frederick L. Dillon
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071870807
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 159

Let’s face it, teaching secondary math can be hard. So much about how we teach math today may look and feel different from how we learned it. Teaching math in a student-centered way changes the role of the teacher from one who traditionally "delivers knowledge" to one who fosters thinking. Most importantly, we must ensure our practice gives each and every student the opportunity to learn, grow, and achieve at high levels, while providing opportunities to develop their agency and authority in the classroom which results in a positive math identity. Whether you are a brand new teacher or a veteran, if you find teaching math to be quite the challenge, this is the guide you want by your side. Designed for just-in-time learning and support, this practical resource gives you brief, actionable answers to your most pressing questions about teaching secondary math. Written by four experienced math educators representing diverse experiences, these authors offer the practical advice they wish they received years ago, from lessons they′ve learned over decades of practice, research, coaching, and through collaborating with teams, teachers and colleagues—especially new teachers—every day. Questions and answers are organized into five areas of effort that will help you most thrive in your secondary math classroom: How do I build a positive math community? How do I structure, organize, and manage my math class? How do I engage my students in math? How do I help my students talk about math? How do I know what my students know and move them forward? Woven throughout, you′ll find helpful sidebar notes on fostering identity and agency; access and equity; teaching in different settings; and invaluable resources for deeper learning. The final question—Where do I go from here?— offers guidance for growing your practice over time. Strive to become the best math educator you can be; your students are counting on it! What will be your first step on the journey?

Classroom-Ready Rich Math Tasks, Grades K-1

Classroom-Ready Rich Math Tasks, Grades K-1

PDF Classroom-Ready Rich Math Tasks, Grades K-1 Download

  • Author: Beth McCord Kobett
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071841238
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 341

Detailed plans for helping elementary students experience deep mathematical learning Do you work tirelessly to make your math lessons meaningful, challenging, accessible, and engaging? Do you spend hours you don’t have searching for, adapting, and creating tasks to provide rich experiences for your students that supplement your mathematics curriculum? Help has arrived! Classroom Ready-Rich Math Tasks for Grades K-1 details 56 research- and standards-aligned, high-cognitive-demand tasks that will have your students doing deep-problem-based learning. These ready-to-implement, engaging tasks connect skills, concepts and practices, while encouraging students to reason, problem-solve, discuss, explore multiple solution pathways, connect multiple representations, and justify their thinking. They help students monitor their own thinking and connect the mathematics they know to new situations. In other words, these tasks allow students to truly do mathematics! Written with a strengths-based lens and an attentiveness to all students, this guide includes: • Complete task-based lessons, referencing mathematics standards and practices, vocabulary, and materials • Downloadable planning tools, student resource pages, and thoughtful questions, and formative assessment prompts • Guidance on preparing, launching, facilitating, and reflecting on each task • Notes on access and equity, focusing on students’ strengths, productive struggle, and distance or alternative learning environments. With concluding guidance on adapting or creating additional rich tasks for your students, this guide will help you give all of your students the deepest, most enriching and engaging mathematics learning experience possible.

Activating Math Talk

Activating Math Talk

PDF Activating Math Talk Download

  • Author: Paola Sztajn
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071821571
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 225

Achieve High-Quality Mathematics Discourse With Purposeful Talk Techniques Many mathematics teachers agree that engaging students in high quality discourse is important for their conceptual learning, but successfully promoting such discourse in elementary classrooms—with attention to the needs of every learner—can be a challenge. Activating Math Talk tackles this challenge by bringing practical, math-specific, productive discourse techniques that are applicable to any lesson or curriculum. Framed around 11 student-centered discourse techniques, this research-based book connects purposeful instructional techniques to specific lesson goals and includes a focus on supporting emergent multilingual learners. You will be guided through each technique with Classroom examples of tasks and techniques spanning grades K–5 Reflection moments to help you consider how key ideas relate to your own instruction Classroom vignettes that illustrate the techniques in action and provide opportunities to analyze and prepare for your own implementation Group discussion questions for engaging with colleagues in your professional community Achieving high-quality mathematics discourse is within your reach using the clear-cut techniques that activates your math talk efforts to promote every student’s conceptual learning.

Bad at Math?

Bad at Math?

PDF Bad at Math? Download

  • Author: Lidia Gonzalez
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071907492
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 173

Math really is for everyone—so let’s prove it. You’ve heard it from kids, from friends, and from celebrities: "I’m bad at math." It’s a line that society tends to accept without examination—after all, some people just aren’t "math people," right? Wrong. As we do with other essential skills, we need to expose the stereotypes, challenge the negative mindsets, and finally confront the systemic opportunity gaps in math education, and replace them with a new vision for what math is, who it’s for, and who can excel at it. In this book you’ll find Research on teacher and student mindsets and their effect on student achievement Audience-specific and differentiated tools, reflection questions, and suggested actions for educators at all levels of the system Examples from popular media, as well as personal stories and anecdotes Quotes, data-driven figures, and suggestions for deeper learning on all aspects of a positive and equitable vision of math education Both social commentary and a toolkit of solutions, this bold new book directly challenges the constructs that have historically dictated our perceptions of what makes someone a "math person". Only by dismantling those misplaced assumptions can we reform math education so it works for everyone. Because in truth, we are all math people.

A Guide to Detracking Math Courses

A Guide to Detracking Math Courses

PDF A Guide to Detracking Math Courses Download

  • Author: Angela Torres
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071913786
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 194

Create a pathway to equity by detracking mathematics The tracked mathematics system has been operating in US schools for decades. However, research demonstrates negative effects on subgroups of students by keeping them in a single math track, thereby denying them access to rigorous coursework needed for college and career readiness. The journey to change this involves confronting some long-standing beliefs and structures in education. When supported with the right structures, instructional shifts, coalition building, and educator training and support, the detracking of mathematics courses can be a primary pathway to equity. The ultimate goal is to increase more students’ access to and achievement in higher levels of mathematics learning–especially for students who are historically marginalized. Based on the stories and lessons learned from the San Francisco Unified School District educators who have talked the talk and walked the walk, this book provides a model for all those involved in taking on detracking efforts from policymakers and school administrators, to math coaches and teachers. By sharing stories of real-world examples, lessons learned, and prompts to provoke discussion about your own context, the book walks you through: Designing and gaining support for a policy of detracked math courses Implementing the policy through practical shifts in scheduling, curriculum, professional development, and coaching Supporting and improving the policy through continuous research, monitoring, and maintenance. This book offers the big ideas that help you in your own unique journey to advance equity in your school or district’s mathematics education and also provides practical information to help students in a detracked system thrive.

Classroom-Ready Rich Math Tasks, Grades 4-5

Classroom-Ready Rich Math Tasks, Grades 4-5

PDF Classroom-Ready Rich Math Tasks, Grades 4-5 Download

  • Author: Beth McCord Kobett
  • Publisher: Corwin Press
  • ISBN: 1071841068
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 348

Detailed plans for helping elementary students experience deep mathematical learning Do you work tirelessly to make your math lessons meaningful, challenging, accessible, and engaging? Do you spend hours you don’t have searching for, adapting, and creating tasks to provide rich experiences for your students that supplement your mathematics curriculum? Help has arrived! Classroom Ready-Rich Math Tasks for Grades 4-5 details more than 50 research- and standards-aligned, high-cognitive-demand tasks that will have your students doing deep-problem-based learning. These ready-to-implement, engaging tasks connect skills, concepts and practices, while encouraging students to reason, problem-solve, discuss, explore multiple solution pathways, connect multiple representations, and justify their thinking. They help students monitor their own thinking and connect the mathematics they know to new situations. In other words, these tasks allow students to truly do mathematics! Written with a strengths-based lens and an attentiveness to all students, this guide includes: • Complete task-based lessons, referencing mathematics standards and practices, vocabulary, and materials • Downloadable planning tools, student resource pages, and thoughtful questions, and formative assessment prompts • Guidance on preparing, launching, facilitating, and reflecting on each task • Notes on access and equity, focusing on students’ strengths, productive struggle, and distance or alternative learning environments. With concluding guidance on adapting or creating additional rich tasks for your students, this guide will help you give all of your students the deepest, most enriching and engaging mathematics learning experience possible.