PDF Cognition and Behavior Modification Download
- Author: Michael J. Mahoney
- Publisher:
- Category : Psychology
- Languages : en
- Pages : 392
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This book is an account of a personal journey through a research program. A number of people have helped guide my way. To them I am deeply grateful. Special thanks are offered to my students, whose constant stimulation and provocation were incentives to write this book. Moreover, in the belief that they would never show the initiative to put together a festschrift for me (Le., a book dedicated to someone for his contributions), I decided to do it myself. Several people cared enough to offer editorial criticisms, namely, Myles Genest, Barney Gilmore, Roy Cameron, Sherryl Goodman, and Dennis Turk. The reader benefits from their perspicacity. Finally, to my parents, who taught me to talk to myself, and to my family, without whose constant input this book would have been completed much sooner, but would have been much less fun, I dedicate this book. D.M. 5 Contents Prologue 11 Chapter 1 17 Self-Instructional Training Hyperactive, Impulsive Children: An Illustration of a Search for a Deficit 23 Luria's Model (24), Private Speech and Mediational Skills (27) Self-Instructional Treatment of Hyperactive, Impulsive Children: A Beginning 31 Empirical Studies of Self-Instructional Training 34 Combining Self-Instructions and Operant Procedures (44), Reasoning Rediscovered (47), Importance of Attributional Style (48), Taking Stock (54) Chapter 2 The Clinical Application of Self-Instructional Training to Other Clinical Populations: Three Illustrations 55 Social Isolates 56 Creative Problem-Solving 58 Adult Schizophrenics 68 What Shall We Say to Ourselves When We Obtain Negative Results? 77 7 8 Contents Chapter 3
Social problems in many domains, including health, education, social relationships, and the workplace, have their origins in human behavior. The documented links between behavior and social problems have compelled governments and organizations to prioritize and mobilize efforts to develop effective, evidence-based means to promote adaptive behavior change. In recognition of this impetus, The Handbook of Behavior Change provides comprehensive coverage of contemporary theory, research, and practice on behavior change. It summarizes current evidence-based approaches to behavior change in chapters authored by leading theorists, researchers, and practitioners from multiple disciplines, including psychology, sociology, behavioral science, economics, philosophy, and implementation science. It is the go-to resource for researchers, students, practitioners, and policy makers looking for current knowledge on behavior change and guidance on how to develop effective interventions to change behavior.
The three-volume Encyclopedia of Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy provides a thorough examination of the components of behavior modification, behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and applied behavior analysis for both child and adult populations in a variety of settings. Although the focus is on technical applications, entries also provide the historical context in which behavior therapists have worked, including research issues and strategies. Entries on assessment, ethical concerns, theoretical differences, and the unique contributions of key figures in the movement (including B. F. Skinner, Joseph Wolpe, Aaron T. Beck, and many others) are also included. No other reference source provides such comprehensive treatment of behavior modification—history, biography, theory, and application. Thematic Coverage The first of the thematic volumes covers Adult Clinical Applications. Adults are the most common population encountered by researchers, clinicians, and students, and therefore more than 150 entries were needed to cover all necessary methods. The second volume covers Child Clinical Applications in 140 entries. One especially useful aspect of this volume will be the complications sections, addressing "what can go wrong" in working with children. This is an area often overlooked in journal articles on the subject. Volume III, Educational Applications, addresses a range of strategies and principles of applied behavior analysis, positive behavior support, and behavior modification and therapy. These entries focus on classroom and school contexts in which the instructional and behavioral interactions between teachers and their learners are emphasized. Unique, Easy-to-Follow Format Each of the volumes′ entries address a full range of mental health conditions and their respective treatments, with the aim of providing systematic and scientific evaluation of clinical interventions in a fashion which will lend itself to the particular style of treatment common to behavior modification. Major entries for specific strategies follow a similar format: 1. Description of the Strategy 2. Research Basis 3. Relevant Target Populations and Exceptions 4. Complications 5. Case Illustration 6. Suggested Readings 7. Key Words Biographical sketches include the following: 1. Birthplace and Date 2. Early Influences 3. Education History 4. Professional Models 5. Major Contributions to the Field 6. Current Work and Views 7. Future Plans Readership This encyclopedia was designed to enhance the resources available to students, scholars, practitioners, and other interested social science readers. The use of in-text citations, jargon, and descriptions of research designs and statistics has been minimized, making this an accessible, comprehensive resource for students and scholars alike. Academic and research librarians in the social sciences, health, and medicine will all find this an invaluable addition to their collections. Key Features Three thematic volumes and over 430 total entries Five anchor articles in each volume provide context on major issues within the field Key words and lists of suggested readings follow each entry Contributions by internationally renowned authors from England, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States Volume Editors Volume I: Adult Clinical Applications Michel Hersen & Johan Rosqvist Pacific University Volume II: Child Clinical Applications Alan M. Gross & Ronald S. Drabman University of Mississippi Volume III: Educational Applications George Sugai & Robert Horner University of Oregon Advisory Board Thomas M. Achenbach, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont Stewart W. Agras, M.D. Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science, Stanford University School of Medicine David H. Barlow, Ph.D., ABPP Center of Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University Alan S. Bellack, Ph.D., ABPP Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine Edward B. Blanchard, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, University of Albany, SUNY James E. Carr, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Western Michigan University Anthony J. Cuvo, Ph.D. Rehabilitation Institute, Southern Illinois University Gerald C. Davison, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, University of Southern California Eric F. Dubow, Ph.D. Psychology Department, Bowling Green State University Rex L. Forehand, Ph.D. Psychology Department, University of Vermont Arnold A. Lazarus, Ph.D., ABPP Center for Multimodal Psychological Services Robert P. Liberman, M.D. Department of Psychiatry, West Louisiana VA Medical Center Scott O. Lilienfeld, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Emory University Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D., ABPP Department of Psychology, University of Washington Nathaniel McConaghy, DSc, M.D. School of Psychiatry, University of N.S.W, Australia Rosemery O. Nelson-Gray, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Lars-Göran Öst, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Stockholms Universitet, Sweden Alan D. Poling, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Western Michigan University Wendy K. Silverman, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Florida International University Gail Steketee, Ph.D. School of Social Work, Boston University Douglas W. Woods, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Hundreds of thousands of clinicians and graduate students have relied on this text--now significantly revised with more than 50% new material--to learn the fundamentals of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Leading expert Judith S. Beck demonstrates how to engage patients, develop a sound case conceptualization, plan individualized treatment, structure sessions, and implement core cognitive, behavioral, and experiential techniques. Throughout the book, extended cases of one client with severe depression and another with depression, anxiety, and borderline personality traits illustrate how a skilled therapist delivers CBT and troubleshoots common difficulties. Adding to the third edition's utility, the companion website features downloadable worksheets and videos of therapy sessions. New to This Edition *Chapter on the therapeutic relationship. *Chapter on integrating mindfulness into treatment. *Presents recovery-oriented cognitive therapy (CT-R)--which emphasizes clients’ aspirations, values, and positive adaptation--alongside traditional CBT. *Pedagogical features: clinical tips, reflection questions, practice exercises, and videos at the companion website. *New case examples featuring clients with more complex problems. *Demonstrates how to integrate strategies from other modalities, such as acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.
′A delightful volume, with unique style and content. This new edition amply lives up to the authors′ aim of demonstrating a mode of CBT practice that incorporates many exciting developments whilst retaining the reassuring strength of the original parsimonious model.′ Ann Hackmann, Oxford Mindfulness Centre, University of Oxford ′One of the very best introductions to CBT, now enhanced with excellent coverage of new developments.′ Professor Neil Frude, Consultant Clinical Psychologist ′My first choice recommendation for trainee therapists. This outstanding and easy-to-read introduction just got better.′ Peter Simpson, Senior Lecturer in Mental Health, University of Glamorgan In their established guide to contemporary CBT theory and practice, the authors show how therapeutic change takes place across a network of cognitive, emotional and behavioural functioning. They explain the central concepts of CBT and illustrate - with numerous case examples - how these can effectively be put into practice at each stage of the therapeutic process. They also explain how the essence of cutting edge ′third wave′ can be integrated into everyday clinical practice. With two new chapters on mindfulness and increasing access to CBT, a wider coverage of client issues, extra case studies and learning resources, and a discussion of recent developments, this book continues to be the ideal companion for those working - or training to work - in the psychological therapies and mental health. Frank Wills is an independent Cognitive Psychotherapist in Bristol and tutor at the University of Wales Newport. Diana Sanders, Counselling Psychologist and BABCP Accredited Cognitive Psychotherapist in Independent Practice, Oxford.
This book offers a detailed, step-by-step guide to behavioral interventions in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). This fully updated edition features new chapters on enhancing interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and navigating difficult therapeutic challenges.
Praise for Acceptance and Mindfulness in Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Understanding and Applying the New Therapies "One of the most fruitful aspects of the encounter between classical Buddhist knowledge and modern science has been the emergence of new therapeutic and educational approaches that integrate contemplative practice, such as mindfulness, and contemporary psychology methods, such as those of cognitive therapy. The systematic approach of this book, wherein the insights of both classical Buddhist and contemporary psychology are integrated, represents a most beneficial and powerful method of ensuring a healthy mind and heart." —His Holiness the Dalai Lama "What has been missing in the midst of partisan battles between orthodox CBT therapists and enthusiastic proponents of newer acceptance/mindfulness approaches is a reasoned, scientifically grounded discourse that would help researchers and clinicians alike sort through the various claims and counterclaims. This book, skillfully conceived and edited by James Herbert and Evan Forman, provides just such a sober and open-minded appraisal of a trend that has sometimes suffered both from too much hype from one side and too sweeping a rejection by the other. This volume encourages careful consideration of both positions and can advance evidence-based psychosocial therapy both conceptually and procedurally to the benefit of all." —From the Foreword by Gerald C. Davison, PhD, University of Southern California Acceptance and Mindfulness in Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Understanding and Applying the New Therapies brings together a renowned group of leading figures in CBT who address key issues and topics, including: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy Metacognitive therapy Mindfulness-based stress reduction Dialectical behavior therapy Understanding acceptance and commitment therapy in context
A major contribution for all clinicians committed to understanding and using what really works in therapy, this book belongs on the desks of practitioners, students, and residents in clinical psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and social work. It will serve as a text in graduate-level courses on cognitive-behavior therapy and in clinical practica.