Emotional Intelligence At Work

Emotional Intelligence At Work

PDF Emotional Intelligence At Work Download

  • Author: Hendrie Weisinger
  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
  • ISBN: 9788126507917
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 256

Experts now acknowledge that emotional intelligence (EI) is perhaps the most crucial determinant of success in the workplace. And unlike IQ or other traditional measures of intelligence, EI can be developed and dramatically increased. This unprecedented book demonstrates how to master the core competencies of EI, abilities that include self-motivation, high self-awareness, mood management, and emotional mentoring. In addition, it includes scores of real-world examples and dozens of practical exercises that accelerate the process, along with step-by-step approaches to mastering a variety of EI techniques.· Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence· Developing High Self-Awareness· Managing Your Emotions· Motivating Yourself· Using Your Emotional Intelligence in your Relations with Others· Developing Effective Communication Skills· Developing Interpersonal Expertise· Helping Others Help Themselves

Spanish Study Guide For the National Social Work Exam

Spanish Study Guide For the National Social Work Exam

PDF Spanish Study Guide For the National Social Work Exam Download

  • Author: Dr. Linton Hutchinson
  • Publisher: Lulu.com
  • ISBN: 1300924764
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 570


Uniting Knowledge Integrated Scientific Research For Global Development

Uniting Knowledge Integrated Scientific Research For Global Development

PDF Uniting Knowledge Integrated Scientific Research For Global Development Download

  • Author: Seven editora
  • Publisher: Seven Editora
  • ISBN: 6584976521
  • Category : Antiques & Collectibles
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 1849

Finding Solutions for a Post-Crisis Society

Finding Solutions for a Post-Crisis Society

PDF Finding Solutions for a Post-Crisis Society Download

  • Author: Teresa Torres-Coronas
  • ISBN: 8484244105
  • Category : Business & Economics
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 491

Since 2007 and the economic meltdown caused by the financial crisis, our societies have been evolving in different ways. New political movements have emerged in Southern Europe and new social movements in pursuit of common concerns are playing a more active role in our daily lives. In a parallel way, after the failure to predict the financial crisis, economist and social science researchers seek fresh thinking and new models that can better explain this new reality. Regulations are of critical importance in shaping the welfare of economies and society. Thus, core legal disciplines are exploring the effects of the financial crisis on social rights, labour market regulations, and civil, common law or international law, among others. With no doubt, the economic crisis has deeply impacted our economic, social, political and legal environment. During the last decade, researchers from a wide range of disciplines have been looking for solutions. Now it is time make a side stop on the way and to gather results. The 1rst International SBRLab Conference, Finding solutions for a post-crisis society, is organized by the Social and Business Research Lab (SBRLab), Universitat Rovira i Virgili. It is as an international and virtual meeting point of interdisciplinary research and researchers. The purpose of this international conference is to bring together researchers from management, economics, political, social and legal disciplines in order to present and discuss new trends in their respective fields.

La Inteligencia Emocional / Emotional Intelligence

La Inteligencia Emocional / Emotional Intelligence

PDF La Inteligencia Emocional / Emotional Intelligence Download

  • Author: Daniel Goleman
  • Publisher: B de Bolsillo
  • ISBN: 9786074803211
  • Category : Emotional intelligence
  • Languages : es
  • Pages : 0

La inteligencia emocional constituye un verdadero fenómeno editorial que no solamente revolucionó el concepto de inteligencia, sino que agregó una nueva expresión a nuestro vocabulario cotidiano y cambió el modo en que percibimos la excelencia personal. ¿Por qué algunas personas parecen dotadas de un don especial que les permite vivir bien aunque no sean las que más se destacan por su inteligencia? ¿Por qué no siempre el alumno más inteligente termina siendo el adulto que más éxito tiene en el trabajo? ¿Por qué algunos son más capaces que otros de enfrentar contratiempos, superar obstáculos y ver las dificultades bajo una óptica distinta? Un nuevo concepto viene a darnos la respuesta a estas interrogantes. Es la inteligencia emocional la que nos permite tomar conciencia de nuestras emociones, comprender los sentimientos de los demás, tolerar las presiones y frustraciones que soportamos en el trabajo, incrementar nuestra capacidad de empatía y nuestras habilidades sociales, y aumentar nuestras posibilidades de desarrollo social. La buena noticia es que la inteligencia emocional se puede aprender. La revolucionaria obra de Goleman presenta ideas prácticas que resultarán útiles a todos los lectores, en especial padres y maestros. Las innovadoras estrategias que plantea ayudarán a erradicar la violencia y otros rasgos negativos que son la causa de muchos males que aquejan a nuestra familia y nuestra sociedad.

Inteligencia Emocional

Inteligencia Emocional

PDF Inteligencia Emocional Download

  • Author: Leticia Caballero
  • Publisher: Roland Bind
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Psychology
  • Languages : es
  • Pages : 100

¡Descubra cómo puede cultivar la inteligencia emocional y sacar el mayor provecho posible! ¡Aprenda de las habilidades emocionales de los mejores líderes! ¿Estás preparado para triunfar en la vida? Aquí encontrarás los pasos necesarios para mejorar tu coeficiente emocional. ¿Deseas ser el mejor trabajador? ¿Quieres encontrar empleo usando la inteligencia emocional? ¿Deseas mantener una buena relación con tu familia, amigos e incluso compañeros de trabajo? Todos podemos cultivar la inteligencia emocional y utilizar esto para un beneficio. ¿Sabías que las grandes empresas buscan personas con un alto nivel de inteligencia emocional? ¿Quieres aprender a desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para controlar tus emociones? Vivimos en un mundo cambiante, las nuevas exigencias globales nos hace evolucionar, ¡la inteligencia emocional es el nuevo camino! ★★En “Inteligencia Emocional” encontrarás:★★ ♦ ¿Cómo manejar las emociones y obtener el control? ♦ ¿Cómo perfeccionar las habilidades emocionales? ♦ ¿Cómo ser mejores empleados con la inteligencia emocional? ♦ ¿Cómo deshacerse de las relaciones tóxicas? ♦ 10 casos de la vida real sobre inteligencia emocional. ♦ ¿Qué modelos hay en la inteligencia emocional? ♦ La comunicación asertiva en la inteligencia emocional. ♦ Y mucho, mucho más... Si sientes que tus emociones te controlan e incluso si todo te molesta, o si sientes que no puedes más con el estrés, aquí encontrarás la forma de alcanzar el nivel óptimo para ti. Si quieres ser más productivo y mejorar el desempeño en tu trabajo, sin duda la inteligencia emocional te llevará a alcanzar tus metas. Si deseas manejar los conflictos de la vida diaria y no caer en la violencia, este libro te muestra las pautas para evitar conflictos. Si estás cansado de leer lo mismo y con pocas bases de investigación sobre la inteligencia emocional, aquí encontrarás en un solo lugar todas las opiniones de destacados especialistas ¡Tengo preparado esta información para ti! Los secretos de la inteligencia emocional serán revelados para ti y así podrás alcanzar el éxito en todos los aspectos de la vida, entonces desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en Añadir a la cesta.

Escribe, habla, seduce

Escribe, habla, seduce

PDF Escribe, habla, seduce Download

  • Author: Mónica Pérez de las Heras
  • Publisher: Editorial Almuzara
  • ISBN: 8483567148
  • Category : Business & Economics
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 192

¿Sabes cuántas personas han muerto en el mundo por hablar en público? Si crees que la respuesta es «ninguna», te equivocas. William Henry Harrison, noveno presidente de Estados Unidos (1773-1841), falleció después de dar su discurso de investidura. Los hechos sucedieron así: cuentan que pronunció su alocución del 4 de marzo sin estar lo suficientemente abrigado, por lo que murió un mes después... de neumonía. Hoy en día para casi el 90% de las profesiones se necesita hablar en público. Si eres emprendedor, es imprescindible que sepas hacer una efectiva y breve presentación para explicar cómo es tu empresa y venderte a posibles clientes (es lo que se viene llamando conversación del ascensor o elevator pitch). Si eres un profesional que pronuncia conferencias, conocer cómo se hace un Pecha Kucha es básico para aprender a sintetizar y controlar los tiempos. Si eres periodista tu oportunidad está en saber escribir discursos con Programación Neurolingu ̈ística (PNL), un trabajo de presente y futuro. Si diseñas presentaciones visuales para ti o para otros tienes que estar a la última en cuanto a tendencias de comunicación. Y, si no empleas la oratoria en tu vida profesional, en la personal también encontrarás oportunidades para utilizarla: en un brindis en una boda, al defender tu punto de vista ante la comunidad de vecinos o hacer una pregunta en un debate.

International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-I-

International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-I-

PDF International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-I- Download

  • Author: Arzu Baykara TASKAYA
  • ISBN: 6258284698
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 223

Dukova, H. D., Mastrantonio, M. (ed.) (2023). International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-I-. Global Academy Publishing House. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.59740/academy.01 This book consists of eight chapters. In the first chapter, there is information about the Sanjak of Rhodes, an administrative division of the Ottoman Empire, and statements that madrasas and Islamic higher education schools were an important part of the education system in the Ottoman Empire. In the second chapter, there is research into emotional education, which is the process of developing emotional intelligence, which includes understanding and managing one's own emotions, as well as recognizing and empathizing with the emotions of others, where teachers play a very important role in emotional education when they interact with students on a daily basis and can provide a safe and supportive environment for emotional learning. In the third chapter explains the development of the roles of sustainable citizenship education in Indonesia and provides curricular recommendations to the education system. In the fourth chapter, it is mentioned that individuals who have developed writing skills in their mother tongue are successful in the writing skills they have learned in the foreign language they have learned and that there is an important connection between writing skills and teaching as a mother tongue in a foreign language. In the context of the fact that students who cannot gain writing skills in their mother tongue, in general, have difficulty writing in the language they have learned, it is also emphasized that Turkish students face some difficulties in the process of learning Persian, considering their writing skills within the framework of teaching Persian as a foreign language. The fifth chapter provides a brief historical account of the Urkun incident, the circumstances that prepared the rebellion, and the consequences of the rebellion. Then, the reflections of this event on Kyrgyz prose are emphasized. In Kyrgyzstan, which gained its independence in 1991, the literature of the pre-independence Soviet period and the post-independence literary environment are not the same. Soviet-era literature is literature that is entirely under the guidance of the state. This has had an impact on the topics dealt with in literature. There were interventions by the Soviet administration in the handling of the Urkun incident, and Urkun was sometimes among the banned subjects. The study also includes the intervention of the literary environment on the subject of Urkun. In the sixth chapter, emphasizes why the Soviet leadership gave importance to the theater genre and the factors that influenced the formation of the theater genre that entered Kyrgyz literature in the 1920s. In the first part of the study, the historical, political, and psychological environment prevailing in the Kyrgyz geography at the beginning of the 20th century is mentioned. The attitude of the Soviet authorities was primarily influential in the rapid development of contemporary theater. Therefore, in the second part of the study, it is discussed why the Soviet authorities attach importance to the theater genre. In the third part of the study, the factors affecting the formation and development of the Contemporary Kyrgyz Theater in the post-revolutionary period are discussed in general. In the seventh chapter, some basic concepts, theories, and practices in educational administration are discussed, emphasizing that educational administration is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. The aim of the eighth chapter is to determine the applicability of the lipogram technique by investigating its contribution to Turkish teaching and creative writing activities. This book has been prepared for academics, researchers, doctoral students, and policymakers working in the field of education.

Mindfulness Rebaph

Mindfulness Rebaph

PDF Mindfulness Rebaph Download

  • Author: Ramón Horacio Galarza
  • Publisher: Editorial Autores de Argentina
  • ISBN: 9878734242
  • Category : Self-Help
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 541

Este libro no es un libro mas de autoayuda es un libro de autorealización. El libro proporciona información presisa sobre una nueva técnica de mindfulness bautizada por el autor REBPAH y dará instrucciones graduales para integrar la meditación, la atención plena y las intervenciones cognitivas para lograr el bienestar y la felicidad. Los lectores aprenderán a distanciarse de las pautas corporales y mentales automáticas que aparecen en la vida cotidiana, para generar atención plena. Esta obra también guía a los clínicos en la práctica del mindfulness. Asimismo se presentan los resultados de estudios científicos realizados hasta la fecha sobre la eficacia del mindfulness, no solo para resolver problemas, reconocer estresores, mejorar la calidad de la salud física o espiritual sino que también encontrar el bienestar y la felicidad. Ramón Horacio Galarza This book is not just another self-help book, it is a self-realization book. The book provides in-depth information on a new mindfulness technique named REBPAH by the author and will give step-by-step instructions for integrating meditation, mindfulness, and cognitive interventions to achieve well-being and happiness. Readers will learn to distance themselves from the automatic body and mind patterns that appear in everyday life, in order to generate mindfulness. This work also guides clinicians in the practice of mindfulness. Likewise, the results of scientific studies carried out to date on the effectiveness of mindfulness are presented, not only to solve problems, recognize stressors, improve the quality of physical or spiritual health, but also to find well-being and happiness. Ramón Horacio Galarza

50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence

50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence

PDF 50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence Download

  • Author: Adele B. Lynn
  • Publisher: Human Resource Development
  • ISBN: 9780874256017
  • Category : Business & Economics
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 306

A collection of reproducible activities perfect for skill-building on self-awareness, emotional control, empathy, social expertness, personal influence, mastery of vision and more. Emotional Intelligence explains why, despite equal intellectual capacity, training, or experience, some people excel while others of the same caliber do not do as well.