Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

PDF Fundamentals of Gnostic Education Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: Glorian Publishing
  • ISBN: 1934206865
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 174

The problems afflicting society today are firmly rooted in the modern approach to education, which focuses on memorization and imitation rather than genuine understanding and practical importance. Schools, teachers, and parents emphasize what we should think, rather than teaching how to think, to question, analyze, and discover the truth through our own experience. The modern system demands that students follow what they are told, and not to question what is taught. From the perspective of the ancient Gnostic tradition, beneficial growth for an individual or a society is an outcome of comprehension: knowing the truth through experience, rather than because of what someone else has said. History shows that those who are willing to question and analyze are those who arrive at the most useful and important knowledge for the benefit of everyone. This includes spirituality: the greatest spiritual leaders refused to follow the established "rules," and instead followed the guidance of awakened consciousness, thereby showing humanity the way to the Light. Over his lifetime, Samael Aun Weor taught millions of people how to awaken consciousness and free themselves of suffering. This book radiates his brilliant teaching method, a beautiful reflection of the same approach utilized by our most important sages, philosophers, and thinkers, which is a form of superior logic and tremendous love that illustrates how vital it is for people to learn not "what to think, but HOW to think." By awakening the consciousness and developing the heart and mind in equilibrium comes the potential to alter the painful realities that humanity is suffering within. Perhaps his most quotable book, it provides a solid and ethical foundation for students, teachers, and parents. "What is the value of studying law and becoming lawyers if we perpetuate fights? What is the value of accumulating much knowledge within our mind if we continue to be confused? What is the value of technical and industrial skills if we use them for the destruction of our fellowmen? It is worthless to receive instruction, to attend classes, to study, if in the process of our daily living we are miserably destroying one another. Indeed, the true objective of a fundamental education must be to create true men and women, who-because of their psychological integration-are cognizant and intelligent."

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

PDF Fundamentals of Gnostic Education Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN: 9781943358151
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 138

The fundamental education is the science of the consciousness that allows us to discover our relationship with human beings, nature, and all things The Greek word gnosis means "knowledge." The higher meaning of gnosis is knowledge of facts acquired from personal experience. Gnosis is genuine knowledge of the truth. To understand truth, one must experience it. The greatest human beings in every field - philosophy, science, art, and religion - did not imitate, memorize, or remain limited by popular ideas; instead, they sought gnosis: to know the facts for themselves, and in finding the facts they changed the world for the better. Unfortunately, such people are rare. The problems afflicting individuals and society today have a simple root cause: we have not yet learned how to think. Instead, people today are taught to memorize and imitate. Schools, teachers, and parents today emphasize what we should think, rather than teaching how to think, question, and analyze, so we can recognize the facts, deal with them intelligently, and experience the truth for ourselves. "What is the value of accumulating much knowledge within our minds if we continue to be confused? What is the value of technical and industrial skills if we use them for the destruction of our fellows? It is worthless to receive instruction, to attend classes, to study, if in the process of our daily living we are miserably destroying one another. Indeed, the true objective of a fundamental education must be to create true men and women, who--because of their psychological integration--are cognizant and intelligent." When our consciousness is liberated from the conditioning and restrictions imposed upon it by imitation, bad habits, defects, vices, and mistaken beliefs, then we can see and experience the truth for ourselves. In this way, we no longer need to believe anything or follow anyone, but are free to express our fundamental nature and realize our full potential. This book guides us towards that experience, that gnosis. We need the union of superior logic and tremendous love, heart and mind balanced by conscious awareness of facts. This psychological equilibrium empowers us to alter the painful conditions that we suffer within. Therefore, we need a gnostic education: an education based on personal experience of the truth.

Fundamental Education

Fundamental Education

PDF Fundamental Education Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN: 9780648020547
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages :

Fundamental Education (AGEAC)

Fundamental Education (AGEAC)

PDF Fundamental Education (AGEAC) Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 230

A treatise of ethics and psychology in which the causes of many social problems are analysed like ambition and fear, for example, and likewise, the inequalities and abuses that exist in different social strata, and in the diverse stages of one's life, like childhood, adolescence, mature age, old age, etc. A fundamental book for self-education and educating our own children. "Dr. Samael Aun Weor, prolific esotericist author and anthropologist, was born amidst the tribulations of a society that was succumbing to materialism and the decadence of all ethical, philosophical and transcendental values. After enormous personal sacrifices, he achieved his personal Self-Realization and dedicated his entire life and his immense work to teaching humanity the path of the true Awakening of Consciousness, traditionally known as Gnosis. Samael Aun Weor delivers, in his more than sixty works and renouncing all personal benefits, hundreds of practices and all the keys (including the Secreto Secretorum) of true esotericism in depth that allows the seeker to discover by himself the answers and experience the results, through a psychological work based on three factors: To be born (alchemically), To Die (to everything illusory) and the Sacrifice for Humanity (to pay our karmic debts).You can find more information about this unrivaled author at" AGEAC presents its collection of books in basic format, black and white. If you wish to purchase our books in color format and with exclusive design, please contact us through our web pages.

Introduction to Gnosis

Introduction to Gnosis

PDF Introduction to Gnosis Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: Glorian Publishing
  • ISBN: 1934206490
  • Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 89

In ancient times, the Gnostics sought for salvation through personal, experiential knowledge of the Divine. Their methods of self-reliance and their sublime knowledge profoundly impacted society, such that the dominant powers felt threatened and the tradition was forced to disappear from public view. Now, after centuries of obscurity, the Gnostics have re-emerged, still carrying their profound message of Gnosis: knowledge of self and the Divine. In a simple and elegant way, Samael Aun Weor explains the basic methodology for people in today's world to begin to approach the greater mysteries of the Gnostics. In this basic and practical guide, Samael Aun Weor offers a breadth of exercises guiding the reader to discover within themselves a wealth of insight and understanding. Gnosis, after all, is Greek for knowledge, and the seeker is told, "Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and its Gods." "A great author deduced that the human being needs eight important things in life: health and the conservation of life, nourishment, sleep, money and the things money can buy, life in the beyond, sexual satisfaction, the well-being of his children, and a sense of proper importance. We synthesize these eight things into three: 1. Health 2. Money 3. Love "If you really want to acquire these three things, you should study and practice everything that this course teaches you. We will show you the path of success." - Samael Aun Weor Includes the lecture "How to Make Light Within" and the pamphlet "Marriage, Divorce, and Tantra." Topics include: An Exercise to Control Your Anger; The Power of Thought; Mental Force; Concentration of the Mind; The Law of Karma; Favorable Circumstances; The Descent of Cosmic Vibration; Prana; The Names of the Tattvas; Properties of the Tattvas; Money; Clairvoyance; Alcoholism; Meditation and Intoxication; Osmotherapy; Mental Relaxation; Concentration; Meditation; Contemplation; The Universal Mind; Imagination and Will; Mental Action; Mental Epidemics; Mental Hygiene; Vegetarian Diet; Self-observation; Chatter; “I’s” in the Five Centers; Matrimony, Divorce, and Tantra; and more.

Gnostic Anthropology

Gnostic Anthropology

PDF Gnostic Anthropology Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: Glorian Publishing
  • ISBN: 1934206164
  • Category : History
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 136

What is the origin of this humanity on planet Earth? What is the origin of all of the races, of Nature, of all which has been, is, and shall be? "There are facts, cosmic and geological events, that are worthwhile to study in these treatises of Gnostic anthropology. There is no doubt that Gnostic, scientific anthropology unveils all veils related with the origin of the human being and the universe." Moving far beyond the limitations of conventional thought, this book presents a view of this planet which is harmonious with all of our most ancient traditions, and indicates the path towards the resolution of our most fundamental problems.

Light from Darkness

Light from Darkness

PDF Light from Darkness Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: Glorian Publishing
  • ISBN: 1934206695
  • Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 126

Everything in existence functions because of laws of nature. Knowledge of those laws is what allows us to accomplish anything in life. Our spiritual and religious life is no different. Spiritual awakening is also managed by laws in nature. On every level of existence, there are basic facts that manage creation, development, decay, and death. Our consciousness or soul is no exception to these facts, and by knowing about them, we can achieve our complete development as a human being. Samael Aun Weor explains the fundamental laws and energies that we need to consciously harness in order to reach our full potential. These are the same energies that fuel the creation of any organism, from the smallest atom to the most expansive universe. The human being is called to be a radiant king or queen of nature, but to arrive at that level, one must know how.

Serpents in the Classroom

Serpents in the Classroom

PDF Serpents in the Classroom Download

  • Author: Thomas Korcok
  • Publisher: New Reformation Publications
  • ISBN: 1948969769
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 125

Serpents in the Classroom answers questions that teachers, pastors, and parents often ask themselves. Despite their best efforts, why do children so often reject the Christian faith? The answer is found in the theological presuppositions that undergird much of contemporary education. Though the educational establishment often presents its models as products drawn from evidence-based research that is theologically neutral, they are anything but. Rather, they are founded on theologies that are diametrically opposed to orthodox Christian teaching. Drawing on his experience as an educator, pastor, and professor, Dr. Korcok uncovers the theological tenets of some of the pedagogues who have been influential in shaping contemporary educational thought and discovers how they have intentionally designed education to turn children away from the Christian faith. For the Christian teacher and parent, there is an alternative. Dr. Korcok presents the classical liberal arts education model that has served the church well for almost 2,000 years as a practical and theologically sound model of education for training a child for a life of faith.

The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

PDF The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: Glorian Publishing
  • ISBN: 1934206644
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 703

“It came to pass, when Jesus had risen from the dead, that he passed eleven years discoursing with his disciples, and instructing them.” The Apostles wrote down what Jesus taught them during those eleven years, resulting in The Pistis Sophia, the most important Gnostic scripture. Includes an extensive commentary by Samael Aun Weor.

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

PDF Transcending the Levels of Consciousness Download

  • Author: David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Publisher: Hay House, Inc
  • ISBN: 1401945058
  • Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 418

Discover how to transcend the limitations of the ego, relieve suffering, and advance your consciousness in this masterpiece from world-renowned author, psychiatrist, clinician, and spiritual teacher, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. The now widely known Map of calibrated levels of Consciousness was presented in Power vs. Force in 1995 and has been translated into all the world’s major languages. This was followed by The Eye of the I (2001), I: Reality and Subjectivity (2003), and Truth vs. Falsehood (2005), which explored the levels of Truth reflected throughout society. Transcending the Levels of Consciousness expands on this work and returns to the exploration of the ego’s expressions and limitations, giving detailed explanations and instructions on how to transcend them. “I consider myself a student of David Hawkins and return to his books and work time and time again. His wisdom deeply resonates with my lived experiences; he is often able to beautifully articulate what I cannot put into words.” – Vex King As with the reading of Dr. Hawkins’ previous books, your level of consciousness will advance from exposure to the information itself. This opens up avenues to the relief of suffering, which fulfills the purpose of the work and the intention to facilitate your own Enlightenment. This transformative personal growth book combines elements of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy, and invites you to explore the profound depths of your own consciousness, Hawkins' genius consciousness concept will inspire you to reach new heights of spiritual and personal development. Transcending The Levels of Consciousness is a monumental testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit. It is an empowering book that offers inspiration and motivation on your journey of self-discovery. Experience the profound wisdom of Dr. David Hawkins, as he elegantly blends spirituality, psychology, and philosophy to create a comprehensive roadmap to unlock the divine potential within you so that you can step into a higher consciousness.