Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education

Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education

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  • Author: Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
  • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
  • ISBN: 0826110622
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 463

Designated a Doody's Core Title and Essential Purchase! "Without question, this book should be on every nurse educator's bookshelf, or at least available through the library or nursing program office. Certainly, all graduate students studying to be nurse educators should have a copy." --Nursing Education Perspectives "This [third edition] is an invaluable resource for theoretical and practical application of evaluation and testing of clinical nursing students. Graduate students and veteran nurses preparing for their roles as nurse educators will want to add this book to their library." Score: 93, 4 stars --Doody's "This 3rd edition. . . .has again given us philosophical, theoretical and social/ethical frameworks for understanding assessment and measurement, as well as fundamental knowledge to develop evaluation tools for individual students and academic programs." -Nancy F. Langston, PhD, RN, FAAN Dean and Professor Virginia Commonwealth University School of Nursing All teachers need to assess learning. But often, teachers are not well prepared to carry out the tasks related to evaluation and testing. This third edition of Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education serves as an authoritative resource for teachers in nursing education programs and health care agencies. Graduate students preparing for their roles as nurse educators will also want to add this book to their collection. As an inspiring, award-winning title, this book presents a comprehensive list of all the tools required to measure students' classroom and clinical performance. The newly revised edition sets forth expanded coverage on essential concepts of evaluation, measurement, and testing in nursing education; quality standards of effective measurement instruments; how to write all types of test items and establish clinical performance parameters and benchmarks; and how to evaluate critical thinking in written assignments and clinical performance. Special features: The steps involved in test construction, with guidelines on how to develop test length, test difficulty, item formats, and scoring procedures Guidelines for assembling and administering a test, including design rules and suggestions for reproducing the test Strategies for writing multiple-choice and multiple-response items How to develop test items that prepare students for licensure and certification examinations Like its popular predecessors, this text offers a seamless blending of theoretical and practical insight on evaluation and testing in nursing education, thus serving as an invaluable resource for both educators and students.

Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education, Sixth Edition

Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education, Sixth Edition

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  • Author: Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
  • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
  • ISBN: 0826135757
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 436

The only text to comprehensively address the assessment of student learning in a wide variety of settings. Long considered the gold standard for evaluation and testing in nursing education, the sixth edition of this classic text provides expert, comprehensive guidance in the assessment of student learning in a wide variety of settings, as well as the evaluation of instructor and program effectiveness. It presents fundamental measurement and evaluation concepts that will aid nurse educators in the design, critique, and use of appropriate tests and evaluation tools. Important social, ethical, and legal issues associated with testing and evaluation also are explored, including the prevention of cheating and academic policies for testing, grading, and progression. Written by experts in the field of nursing education, Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education features practical advice on the development of test blueprints; creation of all types of test items, including next-generation NCLEX-style items; the assembly, administration, and scoring of tests; test/item analyses and interpretation; evaluation of higher levels of learning; assessment of written assignments; and suggestions for creating tests in online courses and programs. An entire section is devoted to clinical evaluation processes and methods, including the use of simulation for assessment and high-stakes evaluation, clinical evaluation in distance settings, and the use of technology for remote evaluation of clinical performance. The text meets the National League for Nursing Certified Nurse Educator Competency #3: Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies. NEW TO THE SIXTH EDITION: Expanded coverage of test item analysis and interpretation Expanded coverage of clinical evaluation processes and methods Guidance on how to work with part-time clinical educators and preceptors to ensure that evaluation processes are followed consistently Expanded content on the construction and administration of online tests Tips for adapting test bank items and other item-writing resources Guidelines for the design of academic policies for academic integrity, testing, grading, and progression KEY FEATURES: Describes how to develop test blueprints and assemble, administer, write, and analyze tests Provides guidelines for the selection of standardized tests for a nursing curriculum Details how to evaluate written assignments with sample scoring rubrics Includes a robust ancillary package: Instructor’s Manual (with sample syllabus, course modules, learning activities, discussion questions, assessment strategies, and online resources) and chapter PowerPoint slides Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers

The Nurse Educator's Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes

The Nurse Educator's Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes

PDF The Nurse Educator's Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes Download

  • Author: Mary McDonald
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • ISBN: 0763740233
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 383

The new edition of this award winning text helps address the increased pressure that the NCLEX and other certification exams are placing on nursing students and faculty. The Nurse Educator’s Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes, 2nd Edition guides classroom educators through the process of developing effective classroom exams and individual test items.

Evaluation Beyond Exams in Nursing Education

Evaluation Beyond Exams in Nursing Education

PDF Evaluation Beyond Exams in Nursing Education Download

  • Author: Robin Donohoe Dennison, DNP, APRN, CCNS, CEN, CNE
  • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
  • ISBN: 0826127096
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 242

Helps educators to design assignments and rigorous rubrics that truly measure student learning objectives The ability of students to pass an examination does not necessarily reflect or guarantee their ability to apply knowledge in practice, nor are traditional exams a sufficient means to evaluate all learning objectives. Written for both new and seasoned nurse educators, this book is unique in its provision of rigorous rubrics that fully take into account learning objectives and the teachingñlearning process, and promote objective grading. It examines a variety of time-tested, alternative evaluation methods, discusses how to design them, and includes best practices for using them. The book provides an overview of how evaluation and rubrics play an integral part within the larger nursing education teachingñlearning process. It helps educators clearly define learning objectives and desired outcomes, and how to evaluate them. The book describes how to formulate a variety of teaching strategies, design effective assignments, and examine in detail specific evaluation methods including best practices for their use and exemplar analytic scoring rubrics. Also available are detailed, modifiable grading rubric templates for each assignment presented. Evaluation methods covered include papers, presentations, participation, discussion boards, concept maps, case studies, reflective journals, and portfolios. The book will assist both new and seasoned nurse educators in their quest to graduate competent, safe nurses at all levels of nursing education. Key Features: Provides rigorous, modifiable rubrics for learning objective grading Includes time-tested alternative evaluation methods Describes best practices for designing a variety of teachingñlearning evaluation tools Includes guidelines for writing clear assignment descriptions Discusses papers, presentations, concept maps, case studies, portfolios, and more

Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator

Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator

PDF Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator Download

  • Author: Marilyn H. Oermann
  • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
  • ISBN: 0826195539
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 394


Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing, Fourth Edition

Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing, Fourth Edition

PDF Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing, Fourth Edition Download

  • Author: Kathleen Gaberson
  • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
  • ISBN: 0826119611
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 395


Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing Education

Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing Education

PDF Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing Education Download

  • Author: Sarah B. Keating, EdD, MPH, RN, C-PNP, FAAN
  • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
  • ISBN: 0826174426
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 319

"This is a detailed yet practical guide to planning, developing, and evaluating nursing curricula and educational programs. It provides a comprehensive and critical perspective on the totality of variables impacting curricular decisions...This book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of curriculum development, redesign, and evaluation processes...92 - 4 Stars" --Doody's Book Reviews Reorganized and updated to deliver practical guidelines for evidence-based curricular change and development, the fourth edition of this classic text highlights current research in nursing education as a springboard for graduate students and faculty in their quest for research projects, theses, dissertations, and scholarly activities. It also focuses on the specific sciences of nursing education and program evaluation as they pertain to nursing educators. New chapters address the role of faculty regarding curriculum development and approval processes in changing educational environments; course development strategies for applying learning theories, educational taxonomies, and team-building; needs assessment and the frame factors model; ADN and BSN and pathways to higher degrees; and planning for doctoral education. The fourth edition continues to provide the detailed knowledge and practical applications necessary for new and experienced faculty to participate in essential components of the academic role—instruction, curriculum, and evaluation. At its core, the text discusses the importance of needs assessment and evidence as a basis for revising or developing new programs and highlights requisite resources and political support. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, the book addresses the growth of simulation, how to help new faculty transition into the academic role, and use of curriculum in both practice and academic settings. Additionally, the book describes the history and evolution of current nursing curricula and presents the theories, concepts, and tools necessary for curriculum development. Chapters include objectives, discussion points, learning activities, references, and a glossary. New to the Fourth Edition: Reorganized and updated to reflect recent evidence-based curricular changes and developments Highlights current research New chapter: Implementation of Curriculum – Course Development Strategies for the Application of Learning Theories, Educational Taxonomies, and Instruction Team-Building New chapter on Planning for Undergraduate Programs New content on Needs Assessment and the Frame Factors Model New content on Planning for Doctoral Education in Nursing New content on curriculum evaluation, financial support, budget management, and use of evidence Key Features: Supports new faculty as they transition to academe Addresses the need for preparing more faculty educators as defined by IOM report, the ACA, and the Consensus Model Describes the scope of academic curriculum models at every practice and academic level Threads the concept of interdisciplinary collaboration in education throughout Serves as a CNE Certification Review

Nurse as Educator

Nurse as Educator

PDF Nurse as Educator Download

  • Author: Susan Bacorn Bastable
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • ISBN: 0763746436
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 689

Designed to teach nurses about the development, motivational, and sociocultural differences that affect teaching and learning, this text combines theoretical and pragmatic content in a balanced, complete style. --from publisher description.

Certified Nurse Educator Review Book

Certified Nurse Educator Review Book

PDF Certified Nurse Educator Review Book Download

  • Author: Linda Caputi
  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • ISBN: 1975159853
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 256

Based on the CNE® examination blueprint, Certified Nurse Educator Review Book: The Official NLN Guide to the CNE® Exam, Second Edition delivers a comprehensive review to prepare you to take the Certified Nurse Educator examination. Each chapter provides an overview of the content included on the exam blueprint and practice test items, complete with rationales for correct and incorrect answers, reflecting the types of items you will encounter on the exam. This revised edition streamlines and enhances your exam preparation with updated content, additional bulleted lists and tables, additional practice questions, and example scenarios that demonstrate the practical application of chapter concepts.

Competency Based Nursing Education

Competency Based Nursing Education

PDF Competency Based Nursing Education Download

  • Author: Marion G. Anema, PhD, RN
  • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
  • ISBN: 0826105106
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 241

The need for competency-based education (CBE) in nursing has been recognized for years. CBE provides a way to help ensure that learners are competent at the end of educational endeavors. This book is designed as a resource for nurse educators who are responsible for diverse education programs. Authors Anema and McCoy bring together all the elements of CBE, and provide a road map to develop, implement, and evaluate competency-based approaches to nursing education. The book provides valuable guidelines for developing organizational strategies, new care delivery approaches, and project planning tools. Guidance on performance assessment tools and data collection is also included. Key features: Explains why CBE is needed and how it can help improve current education programs Presents practical guidelines on how to transition to the CBE approach Provides helpful guidance on developing valid and reliable assessments Includes critical information on data collection and the use of data to verify achievement of outcomes Contains practice activities at the end of each chapter to simulate real-life situations