Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines

Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines

PDF Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines Download

  • Author: Diane Benoit, MD
  • Publisher: FriesenPress
  • ISBN: 1525535307
  • Category : Psychology
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 96

Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines débute par L’histoire de bravoure de Léo le lionceau. Léo est trop timide, nerveux et effrayé pour parler à d'autres animaux ou à ses enseignants – et il a définitivement peur de son propre rugissement. Avec l'aide de sa maman, Léo apprend que le changement demande de la patience, de la pratique et des outils pratiques. Léo surmonte son anxiété en apprivoisant ses Peurs-pas-fines et utilise même ses nouvelles compétences pour aider son amie, Ellie l'éléphante, à affronter sa peur des hauteurs et son besoin d'être toujours parfaitement parfaite. Le cahier de travail Dans la tanière de Léo le lionceau : Comment apprivoiser tes Peurs-pas-fines décrit les techniques qui ont aidé Léo à trouver sa voix et à surmonter sa timidité. Ces pratiques ont été développées par des pédopsychiatres expérimentés pour aider les enfants qui souffrent d'anxiété intense, y compris ceux qui sont excessivement timides, incapables de parler dans des situations sociales ou qui craignent de nouvelles expériences et de nouvelles personnes. Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines vise à aider votre jeune enfant à devenir plus conscient de ses émotions et à apprendre à faire face à l'anxiété grâce à des exercices amusants, créatifs et actifs.

Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children

Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children

PDF Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children Download

  • Author: Suneeta Monga
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: 3030049396
  • Category : Psychology
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 222

This book examines assessment and treatment methods for anxiety disorders in four- to- seven-year-olds. It discusses risk and protective factors in the preschool years, comorbidities, and how conditions such as separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and selective mutism present in this age group. The book examines limitations of current definitions, assessment methods, and interventions. Chapters offer a theoretical framework from which to understand how traditional cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) strategies can be used effectively in this age group. It offers a detailed description of the Taming Sneaky Fears program, an innovative, evidence-based group CBT program for four- to seven-year-old anxious children and their parents. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to implement Taming Sneaky Fears. The book concludes by addressing common challenges, influences, and outcomes for four- to seven-year-old anxious children and their families and provides recommendations for reducing the barriers to healthy development. Topics featured in this book include: Screening and assessment tools for young anxious children. Innovative assessment approaches for young anxious children. The use of Bravery Ladders to teach young children to overcome their fears and anxieties. Specific adaptations of the Taming Sneaky Fears program for selective mutism and social anxiety disorder. The pivotal role of parents in the success of the Taming Sneaky Fears program. Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children is a must-have resource for researchers, clinicians and related professionals, and graduate students in child and school psychology, pediatrics, social work, and psychiatry.

Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines

Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines

PDF Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines Download

  • Author: Diane Benoit, MD
  • Publisher: FriesenPress
  • ISBN: 1525535315
  • Category : Psychology
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 96

Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines débute par L’histoire de bravoure de Léo le lionceau. Léo est trop timide, nerveux et effrayé pour parler à d'autres animaux ou à ses enseignants – et il a définitivement peur de son propre rugissement. Avec l'aide de sa maman, Léo apprend que le changement demande de la patience, de la pratique et des outils pratiques. Léo surmonte son anxiété en apprivoisant ses Peurs-pas-fines et utilise même ses nouvelles compétences pour aider son amie, Ellie l'éléphante, à affronter sa peur des hauteurs et son besoin d'être toujours parfaitement parfaite. Le cahier de travail Dans la tanière de Léo le lionceau : Comment apprivoiser tes Peurs-pas-fines décrit les techniques qui ont aidé Léo à trouver sa voix et à surmonter sa timidité. Ces pratiques ont été développées par des pédopsychiatres expérimentés pour aider les enfants qui souffrent d'anxiété intense, y compris ceux qui sont excessivement timides, incapables de parler dans des situations sociales ou qui craignent de nouvelles expériences et de nouvelles personnes. Apprivoiser les Peurs-pas-fines vise à aider votre jeune enfant à devenir plus conscient de ses émotions et à apprendre à faire face à l'anxiété grâce à des exercices amusants, créatifs et actifs.

Taming Sneaky Fears

Taming Sneaky Fears

PDF Taming Sneaky Fears Download

  • Author: Dr. Diane Benoit
  • Publisher: FriesenPress
  • ISBN: 1525518828
  • Category : Self-Help
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 96

Taming Sneaky Fears starts with Leo the Lion’s Story of Bravery. Leo is too shy, nervous, and scared to speak to other animals or his teachers—and he’s definitely afraid of his own roar. With his mother’s help, Leo learns that change takes patience, practice, and practical tools. Leo overcomes his anxiety by taming his Sneaky Fears, and even uses his newfound skills to help his friend, Ellie the Elephant, challenge her fear of heights and her need to always be perfectly perfect. The included Inside Leo the Lion’s Den: How to Tame Your Sneaky Fears workbook outlines the techniques that helped Leo find his voice and overcome his shyness. These practices were developed by experienced child psychiatrists to help children who suffer intense anxiety, including those who are excessively shy, unable to speak in social situations, or fearful of new experiences and new people. Taming Sneaky Fears aims to help your young child become more aware of feelings and learn to cope with anxiety through fun, creative, and active exercises.

Royal Dictionary, English and French and French and English

Royal Dictionary, English and French and French and English

PDF Royal Dictionary, English and French and French and English Download

  • Author: J. Tibbins
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : English language
  • Languages : fr
  • Pages : 1256

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica

PDF Acta Ethnographica Hungarica Download

  • Author:
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Ethnology
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 530

The Heart of the Photograph

The Heart of the Photograph

PDF The Heart of the Photograph Download

  • Author: David Duchemin
  • Publisher: Rocky Nook, Inc.
  • ISBN: 1681985470
  • Category : Photography
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 286

Learn to ask better, more helpful questions of your work so that you can create stronger and more powerful photographs.

Photographers often look at an image—one they’ve either already created or are in the process of making—and ask themselves a simple question: “Is this a good photograph?” It’s an understandable question, but it’s really not very helpful. How are you supposed to answer that? What does “good” even mean? Is it the same for everyone?

What if you were equipped to ask better, more constructive questions of your work so that you could think more intentionally and creatively, and in doing so, bring more specific action and vision to the act of creating photographs? What if asking stronger questions allowed you to establish a more effective approach to your image-making? In The Heart of the Photograph: 100 Questions for Making Stronger, More Expressive Photographs, photographer and author David duChemin helps you learn to ask better questions of your work in order to craft more successful photographs—photographs that express and connect, photographs that are strong and, above all, photographs that are truly yours.

From the big-picture questions—What do I want this image to accomplish?—to the more detail-oriented questions that help you get there—What is the light doing? Where do the lines lead? What can I do about it?—David walks you through his thought process so that you can establish your own. Along the way, he discusses the building blocks from which compelling photographs are made, such as gesture, balance, scale, contrast, perspective, story, memory, symbolism, and much more. The Heart of the Photograph is not a theoretical book. It is a practical and useful book that equips you to think more intentionally as a photographer and empowers you to ask more helpful questions of you and your work, so that you can produce images that are not only better than “good,” but as powerful and authentic as you hope them to be.

Better Questions

Is It Good?
The Audience's Good
The Photographer's Good

Better Subjects

Exploration and Expression
What Is the Light Doing?
What Does Colour Contribute?
What Role Do the Lines and Shapes Play?
What's Your Point of View?
What Is the Quality of the Moment?
Where Is the Story?
Where Is the Contrast?
What About Balance and Tension?
What Is the Energy?
How Can I Use Space and Scale?
Can I Go Deeper?
What About the Frame?
Do the Elements Repeat?
Can I Exclude More?
Where Does the Eye Go?
How Does It Feel?
Where's the Mystery?
Remember When?
Can I Use Symbols?
Am I Being Too Literal?

The Heart of the Photograph

A Concordance to Marivaux's Comedies in Prose

A Concordance to Marivaux's Comedies in Prose

PDF A Concordance to Marivaux's Comedies in Prose Download

  • Author: Donald C. Spinelli
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : French drama (Comedy)
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 696

The Terror of Natural Right

The Terror of Natural Right

PDF The Terror of Natural Right Download

  • Author: Dan Edelstein
  • Publisher: University of Chicago Press
  • ISBN: 0226184404
  • Category : Literary Criticism
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 351

Natural right—the idea that there is a collection of laws and rights based not on custom or belief but that are “natural” in origin—is typically associated with liberal politics and freedom. In The Terror of Natural Right, Dan Edelstein argues that the revolutionaries used the natural right concept of the “enemy of the human race”—an individual who has transgressed the laws of nature and must be executed without judicial formalities—to authorize three-quarters of the deaths during the Terror. Edelstein further contends that the Jacobins shared a political philosophy that he calls “natural republicanism,” which assumed that the natural state of society was a republic and that natural right provided its only acceptable laws. Ultimately, he proves that what we call the Terror was in fact only one facet of the republican theory that prevailed from Louis’s trial until the fall of Robespierre. A highly original work of historical analysis, political theory, literary criticism, and intellectual history, The Terror of Natural Right challenges prevailing assumptions of the Terror to offer a new perspective on the Revolutionary period.

French Conversation and Composition

French Conversation and Composition

PDF French Conversation and Composition Download

  • Author: Harry Vincent Wann
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : French language
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 220