Why Study History?

Why Study History?

PDF Why Study History? Download

  • Author: Marcus Collins
  • Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
  • ISBN: 1913019055
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 208

Considering studying history at university? Wondering whether a history degree will get you a good job, and what you might earn? Want to know what it’s actually like to study history at degree level? This book tells you what you need to know. Studying any subject at degree level is an investment in the future that involves significant cost. Now more than ever, students and their parents need to weigh up the potential benefits of university courses. That’s where the Why Study series comes in. This series of books, aimed at students, parents and teachers, explains in practical terms the range and scope of an academic subject at university level and where it can lead in terms of careers or further study. Each book sets out to enthuse the reader about its subject and answer the crucial questions that a college prospectus does not.

Studying History

Studying History

PDF Studying History Download

  • Author: Robert Vincent Daniels
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Historiography
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 148

Digital History

Digital History

PDF Digital History Download

  • Author: Karoline Dominika Döring
  • Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
  • ISBN: 9783110756937
  • Category : History
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 0

Die historische Forschung und Lehre haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten tiefgreifend verändert durch die Digitalisierung von Quellen, Methoden, Werkzeugen, Forschungsumgebungen und Publikationsinfrastrukturen. Massendigitalisierungsprojekte ermöglichen einen zeit- und ortsunabhängigen Zugang zu Quellen und Literatur. Kommerzielle und Open-Source-Programme stehen bereit, um mittels qualitativer und/oder quantitativer Datenanalyse verschiedene methodische Verfahren zur Erforschung und Interpretation dieser Quellen anzuwenden. Die Fachinformation, Wissenschaftskommunikation und das wissenschaftliche Publizieren haben sich ins Netz verlagert und schließen sowohl partizipative als auch kollaborative Medien ein. Zugleich hat die Bandbreite an digitalen Lehrmethoden stark zugenommen, während die Online-Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen und Citizen-Science-Projekten den Dialog und das aktive Einbinden der breiten Öffentlichkeit in den Forschungsprozess ermöglicht. Der Band versammelt Beiträge einer Tagung, die 2021 stattfand und Bilanz zog: Welche Veränderungen in der Art, wie heute Geschichtsforschung durchgeführt und kommuniziert wird, ermöglicht die Digitalisierung? Welche neuen Objekte, Methoden und Werkzeuge der Analyse stehen den Forschenden heute zur Verfügung und zu welchen Forschungsergebnissen führen sie diese?

A Practical Guide to Studying History

A Practical Guide to Studying History

PDF A Practical Guide to Studying History Download

  • Author: Tracey Loughran
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
  • ISBN: 1472530098
  • Category : History
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 353

*** PROSE Award Winner (2018) in the Textbook/Humanities Category *** A Practical Guide to Studying History is the perfect guide for students embarking on degree-level study. The book: - introduces students to the concepts of historical objectivity, frameworks and debate - explains the differences in aims, methods and audiences for different types of history - explores the relationship between the skills developed during a history undergraduate degree and the practice of professional history - helps students develop the practical skills required to read historical writing critically, write good essays, and participate in historical debates - includes study questions, further reading lists, text boxes, maps and illustrations The book incorporates case studies taken from a range of regions and periods, reflecting the varied nature of historical study at university, and helps students to understand history, and to practice it successfully: it is an indispensable guide to studying history.

How to Study History

How to Study History

PDF How to Study History Download

  • Author: Norman F. Cantor
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
  • ISBN:
  • Category : History
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 290

We have set down in this book the basic rules and principles of historical study that a student should bear in mind as he enters upon his first college history course. In our experience as college teachers of history, we have found that students need to be informed on the nature and methods of history as a distinct intellectual discipline, and we have tried to communicate this information in as direct and practical a way as possible. We have no only set before the college student the standards of excellence one should strive to attain in historical study; we have attempted to show, step by step, how to reach these goals. We have presented the methods and principles that appear to have the widest consensus among academic historians, and we have sought to avoid extreme and idiosyncratic opinions.

Doing History

Doing History

PDF Doing History Download

  • Author: Mark Donnelly
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1136656944
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 240

History as an academic discipline has dramatically changed over the last few decades and has become much more exciting and varied as a result of ideas from other disciplines, the influence of postmodernism and historians' incorporation of their own theoretical reflections into their work. The way history is studied at university level can vary greatly from history at school or as represented in the media and Doing History bridges that gap. Aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students of history this is the ideal introduction to studying history as an academic subject at university. Doing History presents the ideas and debates that shape how we do history today, covering arguments about the nature of historical knowledge and the function of historical writing, whether we can really ever know what happened in the past, what sources historians depend on, and whether historians’ versions of history have more value than popular histories. This practical and accessible introduction to the discipline introduces students to these key discussions, familiarises them with the important terms and issues, equips them with the necessary vocabulary and encourages them to think about, and engage with, these questions. Clearly structured and accessibly written, it is an essential volume for all students embarking on the study of history.

The Education of Historians in the United States

The Education of Historians in the United States

PDF The Education of Historians in the United States Download

  • Author: Dexter Perkins
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Historians
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 268

This study was sponsored by the American Historical Association through its Committee on Graduate Education. Includes bibliographical references.

The Teaching American History Project

The Teaching American History Project

PDF The Teaching American History Project Download

  • Author: Rachel G. Ragland
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1135858640
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 352

The premise of the Teaching American History (TAH) project—a discretionary grant program funded under the U.S. Department of Education’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act— is that in order to teach history better, teachers need to know more history. Unique among professional development programs in emphasizing specific content to be taught over a particular pedagogical approach, TAH grants assist schools in implementing scientifically-based research methods for improving the quality of instruction, professional development, and teacher education in American history. Illustrating the diversity of these programs as they have been implemented in local education agencies throughout the nation, this collection of essays and research reports from TAH participants provides models for historians, teachers, teacher educators, and others interested in the teaching and learning of American History, and presents examples of lessons learned from a cross-section of TAH projects. Each chapter presents a narrative of innovation, documenting collaboration between classroom, community, and the academy that gives immediate and obvious relevance to the teaching and learning process of American history. By sharing these narratives, this book expands the impact of emerging practices from individual TAH projects to reach a larger audience across the nation.

Studying History

Studying History

PDF Studying History Download

  • Author: Jeremy Black
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
  • ISBN: 1137478608
  • Category : History
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 266

This best-selling guide will help you get to grips with the larger themes and issues behind historical study, while also showing you how to formulate your own ideas in a clear, analytical style. Fully updated throughout, further advice on using web-based sources and avoiding plagiarism will equip you with the tools you need to succeed on your course.

Essential Skills for Historians

Essential Skills for Historians

PDF Essential Skills for Historians Download

  • Author: J. Laurence Hare
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
  • ISBN: 1350005436
  • Category : History
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 264

Essential Skills for Historians helps undergraduate students make the transition from general university study to a more in-depth study of history, and to gain the skills and techniques they need to conduct an independent research project or embark on a career as a professional historian. The book begins with an examination of the historical discipline and its relevance to contemporary culture. It then guides readers through the steps of developing a research project, using two sample projects that illustrate the connections between core proficiencies such as critical thinking and effective time management, and professional proficiencies such as source criticism and historical interpretation. By following these source projects as they develop, the book also highlights the importance of sound historical practice and a critical understanding of the past in contemporary society. Finally, the book discusses the outcomes of historical research and reveals the wide array of possibilities for careers built upon the skills gained from studying history. Covering key topics such as research strategies, reading sources, effective writing and professional ethics – and with useful features such as glossaries, guidelines for student projects, hands-on exercises, further reading and a companion website containing extra resources – Essential Skills for Historians equips aspiring historians with everything they need to succeed whilst also demonstrating the value of history in the wider world.