Sacred Rites for Rejuvenation

Sacred Rites for Rejuvenation

PDF Sacred Rites for Rejuvenation Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: Glorian Publishing
  • ISBN: 1934206849
  • Category : Health & Fitness
  • Languages : en
  • Pages :

Ancient, Proven Exercises from Tibet, India, The Middle East, and Latin America The health and vitality of the physical body is essential for anyone who aspires towards the awakening of the consciousness. Initiated students of Tantric traditions are taught exercises called Yantra Yoga to promote health and fortitude needed for their rigorous self-development. Samael Aun Weor, a reincarnated lama from the Sacred Order of Tibet, teaches in this book a synthesized and refined sequence of Yantric exercises with profound benefits that anyone can experience. "I tell you, brothers and sisters, that we, the Gnostics, have precise methods in order to rejuvenate the organism and cure all sicknesses. It is unquestionable that we can learn how to heal ourselves. Each one of us can be converted into our own physician by learning how to heal ourselves without the necessity of "medicine" - lo and behold, the most beloved ideal. It is urgent to preserve the physical body in perfect health for many years so that we can use this precious physical vehicle for the realization of our Inner Self." - Samael Aun Weor

Sacred Rites: Water, Light and the Clouds.

Sacred Rites: Water, Light and the Clouds.

PDF Sacred Rites: Water, Light and the Clouds. Download

  • Author: John C. Burt
  • Publisher: Blurb
  • ISBN: 9781388774073
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 54

The tale of the dance and interplay of Water, Light and Clouds . How all three seemingly dance together over and over again in the realm of the natural world.

The Tibetan Exercises for Rejuvenation

The Tibetan Exercises for Rejuvenation

PDF The Tibetan Exercises for Rejuvenation Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: SCB Distributors
  • ISBN: 1934206563
  • Category : Health & Fitness
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 200

The health and vitality of the physical body is essential for anyone who aspires towards the awakening of the consciousness. Initiated students of Tantric traditions are taught exercises called Yantra Yoga to promote health and fortitude needed for their rigorous self-development. Samael Aun Weor, a reincarnated lama from the Sacred Order of Tibet, teaches in this book a synthesized and refined sequence of Yantric exercises with profound benefits that anyone can experience. In addition, he provides a fascinating and often shocking perspective on the reality of our situation, and the tremendous urgency for us to change our ways. “I tell you, brothers and sisters, that we, the Gnostics, have precise methods in order to rejuvenate the organism and cure all sicknesses. It is unquestionable that we can learn how to heal ourselves. Each one of us can be converted into our own physician by learning how to heal ourselves without the necessity of “medicine” - lo and behold, the most beloved ideal. It is urgent to preserve the physical body in perfect health for many years so that we can use this precious physical vehicle for the realization of our own Inner Self.” - Samael Aun Weor

The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation

The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation

PDF The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation Download

  • Author: Peter Kelder
  • Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • ISBN: 9781540415738
  • Category :
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 98

This is the very original book by Peter Kelder, written in 1936, about the five tibetan exercises which contain the secret of the fountain of youth. Also known as 5 tibetan rites or just the five tibetans, this routine of tibetan yoga will provide you with strength, vitality and focus, empower your inmunitary system and increase your general wellbeing. Hidden in a Tibetan monastery for more than 2.000 years, the fountain of youth awaited to be discovered. This is the fascinating story of the man who brough it to the Western world so everybody can benefit from it.

The Lamasery Exercises

The Lamasery Exercises

PDF The Lamasery Exercises Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN: 9780958535304
  • Category : Gnosticism
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 137

Living Life as a Sacred Practice

Living Life as a Sacred Practice

PDF Living Life as a Sacred Practice Download

  • Author: Sharon Parris-Chambers
  • Publisher: Balboa Press
  • ISBN: 1504396227
  • Category : Self-Help
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 191

Living Life as a Sacred Practice is the author’s response to many years of trying to learn various methods of unifying mind, body, and spirit. She has captured the essence of life and greatness in this book with the inclusion of many practices to develop spiritual mastery. The approach requires choosing a theme from the table of contents that resonates with the reader or that the reader needs to work on. Examples of suggested sections are Abundance, Sacred Feminine, Beauty, Life, Light, Breath Consciousness, Healing, Wellness, and Inside Out. The process begins with reflecting on a quotation, reading a commentary, and reciting an affirmation. This can be repeated throughout the day to reinforce the message. You may choose a practice for twenty-one to thirty days to achieve spiritual transformation, or just use the suggested one that comes along with the quote for inspiration. The commentaries are unique, thoughtful, and out of this world. It teaches the reader to be an original thinker and to look at life from the vantage point of a creator, not as an object of creation.

Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon

Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon

PDF Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon Download

  • Author: Erika Buenaflor
  • Publisher: Simon and Schuster
  • ISBN: 1591433797
  • Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 185

A practical guide to ancient Mesoamerican solar and lunar rites for healing and transformation • Details shamanic rituals and practices for each period of the day, including dawn, sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight, to best harness the energies of the sun, night sun, and moon for specific purposes, such as divination, journeying with animal spirit guides, or spiritual wisdom • Incorporates shamanic breathwork, dreamwork, mantra chanting, mudras, dancing and movement, toning, chakra work, crystals, herbs, and limpias (shamanic cleanses) • Explores how nighttime energies are affected by the phases of the moon, offering specific practices for each phase Ancient Mesoamerican shamans and modern practitioners of curanderismo--a Latin American shamanic healing practice--divide each day and night into distinct periods based on the sacred rhythms of the sun and moon, with each time offering opportunities to connect with specific celestial energies for healing and transformation. In this hands-on guide to working with the sacred energies of the sun, night sun, and moon, curandera Erika Buenaflor details the rites, rituals, and deities for each part of the day and night and explores the sacred tools and techniques used by ancient Mesoamerican shamans for harnessing solar and lunar energies. She explains how the sun is the source of soul energy that heals, animates, strengthens, and revitalizes us on many levels, while night energies are transformative and conducive for connecting with nonordinary realms. She explores rituals for dawn, sunrise, and midmorning to harness the energies of creation and new beginnings; for noon and afternoon to promote peak strength and spiritual wisdom; for sunset and dusk to bring about transformation, perform divination, and journey with animal spirit guides; and for midnight and predawn to facilitate shamanic dreamwork, connect with the ancestors, make offerings, and regenerate at the deepest levels. She also explores how nighttime energies are affected by the phases of the moon and offers specific practices for each phase. By intentionally tuning our activities to the rhythms of the sun and moon, we can invite in their sacred energies of abundance and healing for more healthy, creative, mindful, and happy lives.

Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium (Srpski Prevod)

Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium (Srpski Prevod)

PDF Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium (Srpski Prevod) Download

  • Author: Neven Paar
  • Publisher: Winged Shoes Publishing
  • ISBN: 1777060826
  • Category : Self-Help
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 490

Serpent Rising: Kundalini Compendium je krajnji rezultat mog 17-godišnjeg putovanja Kundalini transformacije nakon potpunog i kontinuiranog buđenja 2004. godine koje je trajno proširilo moju svest. Nakon što sam doživeo potpunu vizuelnu nadogradnju koja mi omogućava da svakodnevno prisustvujem holografskoj prirodi sveta, znao sam da je ono što mi se dogodilo jedinstveno. Tako sam u narednom delu svog života odlučio da iskoristim svoj dar i posvetim se učenju nauke o nevidljivom svetu energije sa kojim sam intimno povezan, dok sam razvijao prave jezičke veštine kako bih sveobuhvatno preneo svoja otkrića. Buđenje Kundalini je deo misije vaše duše na Zemlji. Njegova krajnja svrha je da optimizuje vaše toroidno energetsko polje (Merkaba) i transformiše vas u Biće Svetlosti, omogućavajući međudimenzionalno putovanje kroz svest. Posedovanje odgovarajućeg znanja u ovoj oblasti može vas osnažiti da preuzmete kontrolu nad svojom duhovnom evolucijom i ispunite svoju sudbinu kako biste mogli da nastavite svoje putovanje kroz Zvezde u svom sledećem životu. Zbog toga sam napisao ovu knjigu. Serpent Rising: Kundalini Compendium sadrži sve što treba da znate o temi Kundalinija, uključujući uticaj procesa uskrsnuća na ljudsku anatomiju i ulogu koju nervni sistem igra, kako da otključate puni potencijal svog mozga i probudite snagu svog srca i kako da koristite modalitete duhovnog isceljenja kao što su kristali, viljuške za podešavanje, aromaterapija i tatve, da biste podigli vibracije vaših čakri. Veliki deo knjige posvećen je filozofiji i praksi Joge (sa Ajurvedom), uključujući spisak Asana, Pranajama, Mudra, Mantri i Meditacija, kao i njihova uputstva za upotrebu. Takođe detaljno razmatram proces buđenja i transformacije Kundalini, uključujući trajna i delimična buđenja, Lucidno Sanjanje, Sidije (psihičke moći), vantelesna iskustva, ulogu hrane, vode, hranljivih materija i seksualne energije tokom integracije, i vrhunac događaja u celokupnom procesu preobražaja. Pošto sam bio naučnik i laboratorija u jednom, ova knjiga sadrži svo moje znanje i iskustvo stečeno na mom duhovnom putu, uključujući suštinske meditacije koje sam razvio dok sam nailazio na stagnacije i blokade Kundalini energije. Na kraju, pošto sam godinama pomogao mnogim Kundalini probuđenim ljudima koji su "pipavali u mraku" tražeći odgovore, uključio sam i njihova najčešća pitanja i brige. Serpent Rising: Kundalini Compendium je temeljno i napredno izlaganje o Kundalini koje je obavezno čitanje za svakoga ko je zainteresovan za ovu temu i duhovni rast.

26 Techniques for Astral Projection

26 Techniques for Astral Projection

PDF 26 Techniques for Astral Projection Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: LDS Publishing
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Self-Help
  • Languages : en
  • Pages :

Awakening in the Internal Worlds, otherwise known as lucid dreaming, astral projection, Astral travel, or out-of-body experiences, are perceptions of matter and energy that are beyond the reach of the physical senses. Anyone, anywhere, regardless of any distinctions or qualifications, may acquire their own personal knowledge of these living realities, if they are willing to make the effort. Quite simply, astral projection refers to how our Consciousness departs from the physical body. Everytime our physical body sleep, the Consciousness departs from it, and experiences what we call "dreams." This is a form of astral projection, but in most cases the Consciousness is asleep, unaware that it is away from the physical body. While dreaming, we generally do not realize it. And when we return to the body, the memory of the dream is generally lost, or if recalled, appears hazy and unreal. This is all due to the weak state of our Consciousness. It is possible to consciously project oneself out of the body. By means of constant training from moment to moment, the Consciousness can be strengthened to be be awake, aware, and sharp; thus, when it leaves the physical body, we remain aware of ourselves, and conscious of what transpires. From this state, one can investigate any phenomena in nature or oneself.

Parsifal Unveiled

Parsifal Unveiled

PDF Parsifal Unveiled Download

  • Author: Samael Aun Weor
  • Publisher: Glorian Publishing
  • ISBN: 1934206911
  • Category : Music
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 352

"When religion becomes artificial, art has a duty to rescue it. Art can show that the symbols which religions would have us believe literally true are actually figurative. Art can idealize those symbols, and so reveal the profound truths they contain." - Richard Wagner Parsifal, the epic, final opera by Richard Wagner, stunned audiences and set the stage for the decline of modern civilization. For more than one hundred years, Parsifal has been one of the most controversial dramatic works in the world, not only moving the world's top composers and writers to tears and inspiring generations of creative geniuses, but it was also admired by Adolf Hitler. Wagner's retelling of the myth of the Holy Grail and the knights who protect it showed the secret path to liberation from suffering, but no one understood it. Wagner himself never explained Parsifal, and in his wake thousands of writers, critics, and artists have attempted to penetrate its mysteries yet have failed, since they were not initiated into the secret tradition it came from. Finally, in this book by Samael Aun Weor, the meaning of Parsifal is fully revealed, and the genius and spiritual accomplishments of Richard Wagner are made radiantly clear. "The year 1914 will always be a memorable date among the remarkable dates of this humanity, because of the explosion of the First World War and the simultaneous debut of Parsifal in all the civilized world." - Samael Aun Weor Features: • A complete exposure of the spiritual archetypes hidden in Parsifal, with examples from other religions and mythologies • Detailed instructions for sexual transmutation, including postures and mantras • Includes the complete libretto of Parsifal