Property for People, Not for Profit

Property for People, Not for Profit

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  • Author: Ulrich Duchrow
  • Publisher: Zed Books Ltd.
  • ISBN: 1848137591
  • Category : Political Science
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 241

The issue of private property and the rights it confers remain almost undiscussed in critiques of globalization and free market economics. Yet property lies at the heart of an economic system geared to profit maximization. The authors describe the historically specific and self-consciously explicit manner in which it emerged. They trace this history from earliest historical times and show how, in the hands of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke in particular, the notion of private property took on its absolutist nature and most extreme form - a form which neoliberal economics is now imposing on humanity worldwide through the pressures of globalization. They argue that avoiding the destruction of people‘s ways of living and of Nature requires reshaping our notions of private property. They look at practical ways for social and ecumenical movements to press for alternatives.

Cities for People, Not for Profit

Cities for People, Not for Profit

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  • Author: Neil Brenner
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1136625054
  • Category : Architecture
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 297

The worldwide financial crisis has sent shock-waves of accelerated economic restructuring, regulatory reorganization and sociopolitical conflict through cities around the world. It has also given new impetus to the struggles of urban social movements emphasizing the injustice, destructiveness and unsustainability of capitalist forms of urbanization. This book contributes analyses intended to be useful for efforts to roll back contemporary profit-based forms of urbanization, and to promote alternative, radically democratic and sustainable forms of urbanism. The contributors provide cutting-edge analyses of contemporary urban restructuring, including the issues of neoliberalization, gentrification, colonization, "creative" cities, architecture and political power, sub-prime mortgage foreclosures and the ongoing struggles of "right to the city" movements. At the same time, the book explores the diverse interpretive frameworks – critical and otherwise – that are currently being used in academic discourse, in political struggles, and in everyday life to decipher contemporary urban transformations and contestations. The slogan, "cities for people, not for profit," sets into stark relief what the contributors view as a central political question involved in efforts, at once theoretical and practical, to address the global urban crises of our time. Drawing upon European and North American scholarship in sociology, politics, geography, urban planning and urban design, the book provides useful insights and perspectives for citizens, activists and intellectuals interested in exploring alternatives to contemporary forms of capitalist urbanization.

Exploring Earthiness

Exploring Earthiness

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  • Author: Anne Primavesi
  • Publisher: Lutterworth Press
  • ISBN: 0718842243
  • Category : Nature
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 164

If we see ourselves as Earth, rather than Earth as existing for us, our perspective is transformed. A variety of religious, philosophical, cultural, and political self-perceptions that dominate our sense of human identity are deeply challenged by this shift in perspective. John Locke's doctrine of Earth as human 'property' has been central to current presuppositions about our selves: justified on the grounds of our possessing unique, divinely bestowed, rational abilities. But today, the effectsof that doctrine on Earth's resource base and on its other-than-human creatures directly challenge such assumptions. At the same time contemporary scientific findings about the evolution of Earthly life demonstrate that while we belong to Earth and nowhere else, Earth does not belong to us. Exploring this role reversal raises fundamental questions about current theological, philosophical, scientific, and economic presuppositions that underpin the 'business as usual' viewpoint and human-centeredaims of contemporary policies and lifestyles. It takes us beyond hierarchical Christian and philosophical doctrines toward a deeper, Earth-focused and peace-based understanding of what it means to be human today.

Transcending Greedy Money

Transcending Greedy Money

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  • Author: U. Duchrow
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: 1137290021
  • Category : Social Science
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 310

This major work offers an historical description and systematic analysis of the root causes of this global economic crisis, which the authors understand as a crisis of western civilization, and provides a comprehensive solution based on theological social justice.

Minjung Theology Today

Minjung Theology Today

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  • Author: Jin-Kwan Kwon
  • Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt
  • ISBN: 3374050727
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 234

Many people may wonder about the current state of minjung theology that started in the 1970s in resistance to the military dictatorship in Korea. They ask: "Is minjung theology still alive?" or "Can the concept of minjung, a Korean term for poor and oppressed people, still offer a significant contribution to the reshaping of society closer to the Kingdom of God?" The essays in this volume attempt to answer such questions directly and indirectly. The authors are from Korea, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the United States. They deal with minjung theology from their own contexts. The essays were written to commemorate the late minjung theologian Suh Nam-Dong (1918-1984) on the 30th anniversary of his passing. [Minjung-Theologie heute. Kontextuelle und interkulturelle Perspektiven] Viele werden sich wundern, was der aktuelle Status der Minjung-Theologie ist, die in den 1970ern im Widerstand gegen die koreanische Militärdiktatur entstand. Sie fragen: "Lebt die Minjung-Theologie noch?" oder "Kann das Konzept minjung, ein koreanischer Begriff, für die Armen und Unterdrückten, noch eine sinnvolle Perspektive bieten, wenn wir über die Veränderung unserer Gesellschaft nachdenken, um dem Reich Gottes näherzukommen?" Die Autoren kommen aus Korea, Deutschland, Hong Kong, Indonesien, Taiwan, den Philippinen und den USA. Sie setzen sich mit der Minjung-Theologie vor dem Hintergrund ihrer eigenen Kontexte auseinander, um den vor 30 Jahren verstorbenen Minjung-Theologen Suh Nam-Dong zu ehren.

A Theology of Land

A Theology of Land

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  • Author: Christopher Gerard Sexton
  • Publisher: ATF Press
  • ISBN: 1925679063
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 376

On the face of things, the spirituality of Australia's Aboriginals is hard to reconcile with a spirituality of Christian theology, with its human centrism apt to a Son of God in Man, made flesh in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless this author, Christopher Sexton, a Sydney based lawyer, drew on his deep Catholic theological beliefs and intense dialogue with Aboriginal elders, to find a surprisingly common ground, and in abundance. The creation stories of each lay emphasis on humanity's stewardship for the search and its mystical riches. Here is a book by a Christian lawyer who consulted widely and deeply with our First People's. He found more in common between our distinct spiritualities than might be expected. Proving, once again, that listening deeply to each other will often yield common ground.

Christian in Public

Christian in Public

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  • Author: L. D. Hansen
  • Publisher: AFRICAN SUN MeDIA
  • ISBN: 1920109358
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 290

Higher education has not escaped the imperative of transformation which has marked the post-apartheid South African landscape. The nature of the changes at universities, however, is open to critique. Fundamental questions concerning the ideological moorings of knowledge and the politics of the curriculum have not yet been satisfactorily addressed. During the apartheid era, theology faculties played influential roles at traditional universities, and were often characterised by unsettling exclusion of non- Christian religions, non-Calvinist denominations and marginalised voices. This volume of essays evidences a process at the University of the Free State?s Faculty of Theology to reflect seriously about the need for transformation at the fundamental level, that is, of knowledge. The challenge for theology at a public university is framed in terms of epistemological transformation. A number of outstanding public intellectuals such as Jonathan Jansen, Crain Soudien and Lis Lange have been invited to present papers to clarify the conceptual challenge and what this might entail for theology. Well-known theologians such as Conrad Wethmar, Allan Boesak and Martin Prozesky reflect on the nature of theology and religion at universities amidst social exigencies. Two international theologians ? Harold Attridge from the prestigious Yale Divinity School and Bram van de Beek from the Free University of Amsterdam ? share their experiences of institutions that exemplify excellence and ecumenical openness. Theologians from the Departments of Practical Theology and Systematic Theology at the University of the Free State, writing from the ?inside?, articulate the challenges they envision for theology in a post-apartheid dispensation. The essays represent a variety of perspectives, but all attest to a commitment to re-think the nature and task of theology at a public university, accepting the challenge of knowledge and power, of plurality and otherness, and of restorative intellectual justice. These timely essays make a unique contribution to the discourses on transformation and on theology at a public university.

Mission and Money

Mission and Money

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  • Author: Mari-Anna Auvinen-Pöntinen
  • Publisher: BRILL
  • ISBN: 9004318496
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 205

Mission and Money; Christian Mission in the Context of Global Inequalities evaluates Church mission and the ethics of the global economy. Contributions are based on keynote presentations at the IAMS Europe Conference held in April 2014 in Helsinki, Finland.

Intercultural and Interreligious Pastoral Caregiving

Intercultural and Interreligious Pastoral Caregiving

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  • Author: Karl H. Federschmidt
  • Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
  • ISBN: 3738635157
  • Category : Philosophy
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 314

Worldwide, in theory formation and the practice of pastoral caregiving, intercultural and interreligious aspects receive a growing attention. Since its formation in 1995, the "Society of Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counselling" (SIPCC) has been at the forefront of this development, providing initiative and space for learning and reflection. The essays collected in this publication are a result of this work. Written both by practitioners and by specialists, they reflect challenges and open perspectives for an inclusive ethics of caregiving in the 21st century.

Theology of Money

Theology of Money

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  • Author: Philip Goodchild
  • Publisher: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822392552
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 314

Theology of Money is a philosophical inquiry into the nature and role of money in the contemporary world. Philip Goodchild reveals the significance of money as a dynamic social force by arguing that under its influence, moral evaluation is subordinated to economic valuation, which is essentially abstract and anarchic. His rigorous inquiry opens into a complex analysis of political economy, encompassing markets and capital, banks and the state, class divisions, accounting practices, and the ecological crisis awaiting capitalism. Engaging with Christian theology and the thought of Carl Schmitt, Georg Simmel, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and many others, Goodchild develops a theology of money based on four contentions, which he elaborates in depth. First, money has no intrinsic value; it is a promise of value, a crystallization of future hopes. Second, money is the supreme value in contemporary society. Third, the value of assets measured by money is always future-oriented, dependent on expectations about how much might be obtained for those assets at a later date. Since this value, when realized, will again depend on future expectations, the future is forever deferred. Financial value is essentially a degree of hope, expectation, trust, or credit. Fourth, money is created as debt, which involves a social obligation to work or make profits to repay the loan. As a system of debts, money imposes an immense and irresistible system of social control on individuals, corporations, and governments, each of whom are threatened by economic failure if they refuse their obligations to the money system. This system of debt has progressively tightened its hold on all sectors and regions of global society. With Theology of Money, Goodchild aims to make conscious our collective faith and its dire implications.