Factors Behind the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999

Factors Behind the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999

PDF Factors Behind the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999 Download

  • Author: John Edward White
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
  • ISBN: 1532665393
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 300

Throughout its history, the Soviet Union was one of the most closed places in the world to missionary work. As perestroika came in the late 1980s and the Soviet Union fell in 1991, a spiritual vacuum formed as massive numbers of people became interested in Christianity. An unprecedented freedom allowed evangelicals to engage in missionary work. Much has been written about foreign evangelical missionary work during this period, but virtually nothing has been written about nationals doing ministry. This book examines the remarkable surge in Ukrainian evangelical missionary work from 1989 to 1999. Both Baptists and Pentecostals engaged in a wave of missions, flowing from Ukraine to the end of the earth: Siberia. What were these pioneering missionaries like? What motivated them? What enabled them to do what had been forbidden for so long? What legacy did they leave for us today? What can we learn from their example for future missions? This book also looks at how a surge in missions takes place, analyzing the factors behind the Ukrainian evangelical missionary surge by looking at different models for change. Here we consider: what steps can we take to help bring about new missionary surges?

Factors Behind the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999

Factors Behind the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999

PDF Factors Behind the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999 Download

  • Author: John Edward White
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
  • ISBN: 1532665415
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 181

Throughout its history, the Soviet Union was one of the most closed places in the world to missionary work. As perestroika came in the late 1980s and the Soviet Union fell in 1991, a spiritual vacuum formed as massive numbers of people became interested in Christianity. An unprecedented freedom allowed evangelicals to engage in missionary work. Much has been written about foreign evangelical missionary work during this period, but virtually nothing has been written about nationals doing ministry. This book examines the remarkable surge in Ukrainian evangelical missionary work from 1989 to 1999. Both Baptists and Pentecostals engaged in a wave of missions, flowing from Ukraine to the end of the earth: Siberia. What were these pioneering missionaries like? What motivated them? What enabled them to do what had been forbidden for so long? What legacy did they leave for us today? What can we learn from their example for future missions? This book also looks at how a surge in missions takes place, analyzing the factors behind the Ukrainian evangelical missionary surge by looking at different models for change. Here we consider: what steps can we take to help bring about new missionary surges?

Words and Silences

Words and Silences

PDF Words and Silences Download

  • Author: Laur Vallikivi
  • Publisher: Indiana University Press
  • ISBN: 0253068789
  • Category : Social Science
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 380

Words and Silences tells the story of an extraordinary group of independent Nenets reindeer herders in the northwest Russian Arctic. Under socialism these nomads managed to avoid the Soviet state and its institutions of collectivization, but soon after the atheist regime collapsed, while some staunchly resisted, many of them became fervent fundamentalist Christians. By exploring differing concepts of how traditional and convert Nenets use and define words and of the meanings they ascribe to the withholding of speech, Laur Vallikivi shows how a local form of global Christianity has emerged through intricate negotiations of self, sociality, and cosmology. Moving beyond studies of modernization and globalization that have all-too-predictable outcomes for indigenous peoples, Words and Silences invites us to view not only religious devotees, but words themselves, as agents of a complex and ongoing transformation.

Proclaiming the Gospel, Engaging the World

Proclaiming the Gospel, Engaging the World

PDF Proclaiming the Gospel, Engaging the World Download

  • Author: Michael Bräutigam
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
  • ISBN: 1725286793
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 313

In 2020 Melbourne School of Theology celebrates its one hundredth anniversary. Proclaiming the Gospel, Engaging the World is a collection of essays that showcases the rich history of the Melbourne Bible Institute, the Bible College of Victoria, and the Melbourne School of Theology--three names but a single proud tradition of serving Christ. This volume contains papers by present and past members of the MBI/BCV/MST family. The papers are organized around four themes: historical review, theological/spiritual approaches, biblical perspectives, and cultural perspectives. This volume contributes towards remembering the past while also looking forward to the future, getting a clearer sense of how we participate in God's mission in Australia and the world.

Russian Baptist Mission Theology in Historical and Contemporary Perspective

Russian Baptist Mission Theology in Historical and Contemporary Perspective

PDF Russian Baptist Mission Theology in Historical and Contemporary Perspective Download

  • Author: Andrey Kravtsev
  • Publisher: Langham Publishing
  • ISBN: 1783687487
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 336

Since the disintegration of the USSR many Russian Baptists have actively engaged in evangelism, church planting, and acts of social service. This book is a response to the need to critically evaluate the effectiveness of past mission efforts and their undergirding theology. In this detailed study, Dr Andrey Kravtsev combines historical and qualitative studies to outline the understanding of mission developed by Russian Baptists during the Soviet era when they were almost completely isolated from global missiological developments. First, Kravtsev identifies four key missiological concepts and uses them to analyze the history of mission theology in global evangelical mission movements and the Russian Baptists. He then interviewed thirty leaders from the Russian Union of Evangelical Christian-Baptists to find their view of these concepts, and their convictions of the need to reconsider traditional missiological views. From his findings, Dr Kravtsev suggests five themes for facilitating the transition of Russian Baptist mission theology from the late-Soviet model of eschatological escapism, to a holistic, missional evangelicalism. This book places evangelical mission in contemporary Russian socio-political and ideological contexts and provides an important contribution for leading churches to a renewed missionary encounter with culture.

Generation loss

Generation loss

PDF Generation loss Download

  • Author: Ed Atkins
  • Publisher: Kerber Verlag
  • ISBN: 9783735603845
  • Category : Art
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 445

Anlasslich des 10-jahrigen Jubilaums der JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION konzipiert der britische Kunstler Ed Atkins die Ausstellung GENERATION LOSS. DEr Begriff bezeichnet den Prozess der Qualitatsverschlechterung von Daten insbesondere infolge sich verandernder Technologien. DIeser Verlust von Qualitat manifestiert sich jedoch auch im ideologischen Sinne, im gesellschaftlichen Wandel von einer Generation zur nachsten. DEr Katalog greift diese Analogien auf und nimmt sich der Frage an, wie sich die Rezeption fur das Bewegtbild von den 1970er-Jahren bis heute verandert hat. NEben Video- und Filmstills enthalt der Katalog historisches Material der gezeigten Werke sowie Installationsansichten der Ausstellung.