Amt, Ordination, Episkopé und theologische Ausbildung / Ministry, ordination, episkopé and theological education

Amt, Ordination, Episkopé und theologische Ausbildung / Ministry, ordination, episkopé and theological education

PDF Amt, Ordination, Episkopé und theologische Ausbildung / Ministry, ordination, episkopé and theological education Download

  • Author: Mario Fischer
  • Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt
  • ISBN: 337406857X
  • Category : Religion
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 314

Dieser Band dokumentiert drei Arbeitsergebnisse der GEKE, die von den Vollversammlungen 2012 und 2018 angenommen wurden. Der Lehrgesprächstext "Amt, Ordination, Episkope" bestimmt die evangelische Position zu diesen ökumenisch besonders brisanten Themen und will damit zugleich die Gemeinschaft der Kirchen der GEKE vertiefen. Diesem Ziel dienen auch die Studien "Die Ausbildung für das ordinationsgebundene Amt" und "Fortbildung für das ordinationsgebundene Amt". Sie skizzieren ein gemeinsames Verständnis von guter Ausbildung bzw. Fort- und Weiterbildung, das für die Mitgliedskirchen jeweils orientierend wirken kann. This volume documents three sets of findings by the CPCE which were accepted by the 2012 and 2018 General Assemblies. The report of the doctrinal conversation on "Ministry, Ordination, Episkope" defines the Protestant position on these issues, which are of vital ecumenical interest. At the same time, it seeks to deepen the church communion of CPCE member churches. This is also the aim of the studies "Training for the ordained ministry in the CPCE" and "Continuing education for the ordained ministry in the CPCE". They outline a common understanding of good training that the member churches can take as a guideline.

Cultivating a culture of experimentation in higher-education teaching and learning

Cultivating a culture of experimentation in higher-education teaching and learning

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  • Author: Robert Kordts
  • Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
  • ISBN: 3755719576
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 218

As indicated by the diversity of the authors' physical locations, COVID and emergency-remote teaching affected Higher-Education-Institutions at a nearly global scale. Authors in this issue come from European countries (Switzerland, Germany), North America (the USA) as well as the southern hemisphere (South Africa). Given the breadth of COVID-related (change) experiences, the insights presented in this issue can be relevant to many HEIs across the globe, notwithstanding their cultural and institutional specificities. In addition, and of high relevance to us, the articles collected here focus both on different positions or roles (students, faculty, management) as well as on different levels of teaching and learning in higher education. While most contributions focus on the student experience during COVID, others investigate faculty/instructors' perspectives including faculty development. Yet another group takes a more systemic, institutional point of view. It could be argued that higher-education research takes up a multi-level perspective when exploring change and the new normal.

Researching Education

Researching Education

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  • Author: Kanka Mallick
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1135716951
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 228

This book provides the reader with an introduction to the world of educational research. A two-pronged approach is adopted: to help the reader understand the concepts and terminology widely used in educational research and a range of methodological issues; and to provide the reader with guidance on initiating and implementing research studies. In this highly accessible book, the authors consider the perspectives, concepts and techniques in common usage in the field of research, and the variety of approaches that may be taken in researching different subjects. A glossary is also provided covering the relevant terms and concepts referred to and used in current educational research.

Third World Education

Third World Education

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  • Author: Anthony R. Welch
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1135582637
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 325

This book debunks the argument that quality in education can only be achieved by limiting, or trading off, equality. The quality of schooling is a major issue for Third World nations across the globe. However there is no single measure which is universally accepted. Whether it is, as some economists might argue, an issue of the number of desks per classroom or one of national sovereignty is widely disputed. Defining equality in education becomes increasingly difficult in an era of globalization in which there exists a wide gap between rich and poor, both within and between nations. In the context of an international move towards New Right politics and neo-liberal economic ideologies, both the quality and equality of education are imperiled. This book argues that any worthy definition of quality education must include the interests and participation of the underprivileged.

Spiritual and Religious Education

Spiritual and Religious Education

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  • Author: Mal Leicester
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1135698627
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 372

Volume V distinguishes religious and spiritual education and takes a multi-faith approach to pedagogic, curricular and resource issues. The important area of collective worship is also addressed.

The Politics of Structural Education Reform

The Politics of Structural Education Reform

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  • Author: Keith A. Nitta
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 113589616X
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 250

Education policymaking is traditionally seen as a domestic political process. The job of deciding where students will be educated, what they will be taught, who will teach them, and how it will be paid for clearly rests with some mix of district, state, and national policymakers. This book seeks to show how global trends have produced similar changes to very different educational systems in the United States and Japan. Despite different historical development, social norms, and institutional structures, the U.S. and Japanese education systems have been restructured over the past dozen years, not just incrementally but in ways that have transformed traditional power arrangements. Based on 124 interviews, this book examines two restructuring episodes in U.S. education and two restructuring episodes in Japanese education. The four episodes reveal a similar politics of structural education reform that is driven by symbolic action and bureaucratic turf wars, which has ultimately hindered educational improvement in both countries.

Inclusive Special Education

Inclusive Special Education

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  • Author: Garry Hornby
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: 1493914839
  • Category : Psychology
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 185

Much has been written about special education and about inclusive education, but there have been few attempts to pull these two concepts and approaches together. This book does just that: sets special education within the context of inclusive education. It posits that to include, effectively, all children with special educational needs in schools requires an integration of both concepts, approaches, and techniques. It has never been more timely to publish a book that helps professionals who work with schools, such as psychologists, special education professionals, and counselors, to identify effective practices for children with special needs and provide guidelines for implementing these in inclusive schools.

Accountability in Higher Education

Accountability in Higher Education

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  • Author: Bjorn Stensaker
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1136932364
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 288

The latest volume in the Routledge International Studies in Higher Education series, Accountability in Higher Education takes an in-depth look at accountability initiatives around the world. Various evaluations, reporting schemes, and indicator systems have been initiated both to inform the public about higher education performance and to help transform universities and colleges and improve their functioning. This edited collection provides a comparative analysis of the promises, perils and paradoxes of accountability, and the potential effect on power structures and higher education autonomy, trust and the legitimacy of the sector. Part I describes how accountability is perceived and understood in different regions of the world, identifies some of the most common elements in established accountability initiatives, especially related to quality assurance, and provides direction for possible future development. Part II focuses on responses to new demands for accountability at institutional, national and international levels, and provides practical guidance for handling accountability going forward, emphasizing the dynamic relationship between international development, government strategies and organizational change. This volume is a must-have resource for HE managers, administrators, policy makers, researchers, HE graduate students and those interested or involved with HE accountability practices.

Cultural Education - Cultural Sustainability

Cultural Education - Cultural Sustainability

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  • Author: Zvi Bekerman
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1135598800
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 449

This volume is a path-breaking contribution to the study of efforts of diaspora, indigenous, and minority groups, broadly defined, to use education (formal and informal) to sustain cultural continuity while grappling with the influences and demands of wider globalizing, nationalizing, or other homogenizing and assimilatory forces. Particular attention is given to groups that use educational elements other than second-language teaching alone in programs to sustain their particular cultural traditions. The focus of the book on cultural sustainability changes the nature of questions posed in multicultural education from those that address the opening of boundaries to issues of preserving boundaries in an open yet sustainable way. As forced and elective immigration trends are changing the composition of societies and the educational systems within them -- bringing a rich diversity of cultural experience to the teaching/learning process -- diaspora, indigenous, and minority groups are looking more and more for ways to sustain their cultures in the context of wider socio-political influences. This volume is a first opportunity to consider critically multicultural efforts in dialogue with educational options that are culturally particularistic but at the same time tolerant. Academics will find this an excellent reference book. Practitioners will draw inspiration in learning of others’ efforts to sustain cultures, and will engage in critical reflection on their own work vis-à-vis that of others. Teachers will realize they do not stand alone in their educational efforts and will uncover new strategies and methodologies through which to approach their work.

Global Health Informatics Education

Global Health Informatics Education

PDF Global Health Informatics Education Download

  • Author: E.J.S. Hovenga
  • Publisher: IOS Press
  • ISBN: 1607501058
  • Category : Medical
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 288

Throughout the world, healthcare professionals often lack knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of systematically processing data, information and knowledge and of the resulting impact on quality decision-making. They are often asked to use information technologies of which they have limited appreciation, in order to enhance their practices through better use of information resources. However, for systematically processing data, information and knowledge in medicine and in healthcare, healthcare professionals who are well-trained in medical informatics or health informatics are needed. It will only be through improved education of healthcare professionals and through an increase in the number of well-trained workers in health and medical informatics that this lack of knowledge and associated skills can begin to be reversed. Although we can recognize further progress in educating health and a considerable number of educational programs for health informatics / medical informatics specialists have been set up, there is still a need to enhance these educational activities world wide, considering global developments as well as new curricular concepts and technological opportunities. IMIA and in particular its working group on health and medical informatics education is the leading international society stimulating such educational activities in various ways. This book is especially helpful for educators in the field of health / medical informatics.