Children in the Holocaust, children in exile, children under fascism

Children in the Holocaust, children in exile, children under fascism

PDF Children in the Holocaust, children in exile, children under fascism Download

  • Author: Viktoria Hertling
  • Publisher: Rodopi
  • ISBN: 9789042006232
  • Category : Children
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 322

Die vorliegenden siebzehn Beiträge basieren weitgehend auf den Vorträgen der im Oktober 1996 an der University of Nevada in Reno veranstaltenden Konferenz Children in the Holocaust - Children in Exile - Children under Fascism. Die Tagung beschäftigte sich erstmals mit den einschneidenden, oft nicht wieder auszulöschenden traumatischen Erfahrungen von Kindern im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland, im Exil und im Holocaust. Mit dem Jahr 2000 - also in weniger als zwei Jahren - gehört der Holocaust, den auch Daniel J. Goldhagen als das schockierendsten Ereignis des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts bezeichnet, das innerhalb der deutschen Geschichte am schwierigsten zu verstehen sei, zu den Ereignissen des sogenannten 'Letzten Jahrhunderts'. Ist es darum nicht geboten, die Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Ereignissen, die für viele Menschen selbst heute noch mit schweren Ängsten verbunden sind, unter neuen Gesichtspunkten zur Diskussion zu bringen, damit die Thematik auch über die Schwelle zum nächsten Jahrhundert hinweg in unseren Sichtweite nichts an ihrer Ungeheuerlichkeit einbüße?

Tomé s Kinder-Zeichnungen / Tomé s Children - Drawings

Tomé s Kinder-Zeichnungen / Tomé s Children - Drawings

PDF Tomé s Kinder-Zeichnungen / Tomé s Children - Drawings Download

  • Author: Tomé Thomas Etzensperger
  • Publisher: tredition
  • ISBN: 3347596196
  • Category : Art
  • Languages : de
  • Pages : 287

Der Künstler zeigt hier die Kinder in allen möglichen Lebenslagen, beim Spiel, in Gedanken versunken und mit Emotionen in ihren Gesichtern wie Freude, Angst oder Wut. Er zeigt das Kind lachend, ausgelassen und fröhlich in seiner unbeschwerten Kindheit, die Liebe, Freundschaft und Zuneigung ebenso beinhaltet wie seine Träume, aber auch weinend und verzweifelt im Schmerz und in Not und auch in seiner ganzen unschuldigen Natürlichkeit und Schönheit. Es ist Tomé s ganz persönliche Hommage an das Kind. Dieses Buch enthält auch über 100 mit einem Großen "V" vor der Nummer des Werkverzeichnisses gekennzeichnete Zeichnungen, welche 2021 von der Staatsanwaltschaft Augsburg vernichtet worden sind, sowie ein Stiftungsangebot für etwa 1 ́000 Werke zum Thema Kinderrechte. The artist showcases children in various situations, at play, deep in thought and with emotions in their face like joy, fear, anger, rage. He shows the child laughing, boisterous, cheerful in its carefree childhood which includes love, friendship, affections as well as dreams, but also crying and suffering in pain and neediness and desperation, and in its innocent naturalness and beauty. It is Tomé ́s very personal hymn and homage to the child. This book also contains over 100 drawings marked with a capital "V" in front of the number of the catalog raisonné that were destroyed by the Augsburg public prosecutor's office in 2021, as well as a foundation offer for around 1,000 works on the subject of children's rights.

Healthy Children

Healthy Children

PDF Healthy Children Download

  • Author:
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Child health services
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 36

Children, Film and Literacy

Children, Film and Literacy

PDF Children, Film and Literacy Download

  • Author: Becky Parry
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: 1137294337
  • Category : Social Science
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 228

Children, Film and Literacy explores the role of film in children's lives. The films children engage in provide them with imaginative spaces in which they create, play and perform familiar and unfamiliar, fantasy and everyday narratives and this narrative play is closely connected to identity, literacy and textual practices. Family is key to the encouragement of this social play and, at school, the playground is also an important site for this activity. However, in the literacy classroom, some children encounter a discontinuity between their experiences of narrative at home and those that are valued in school. Through film children develop understandings of the common characteristics of narrative and the particular 'language' of film. This book demonstrates the ways in which children are able to express and develop distinct and complex understandings of narrative, that is to say, where they can draw on their own experiences (including those in a moving image form). Children whose primary experiences of narrative are moving images face particular challenges when their experiences are not given opportunities for expression in the classroom, and this has urgent implications for the teaching of literacy.

Working Together for Children

Working Together for Children

PDF Working Together for Children Download

  • Author: Gary Walker
  • Publisher: A&C Black
  • ISBN: 0826498175
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 213

A factual and analytical introduction to the systems and processes of multi-agency work with children and families. >

Children’s Images of Identity

Children’s Images of Identity

PDF Children’s Images of Identity Download

  • Author: Jill Brown
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: 9463001247
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 182

"The understandings which children have of Indigenous identity provide means by which to explore the ways in which Indigenous identity is both projected and constructed in society. These understandings play a powerful part in the ways in which Indigenous peoples are positioned in the mainstream society with which they are connected. The research presented in this edited collection uses children’s drawings to illuminate and explore the images children, both mainstream and Indigenous, have of Indigenous peoples. The data generated by this process allows exploration of the ways in which Indigenous identity is understood globally, through a series of locally focussed studies connected by theme and approach. The data serves to illuminate both the space made available by mainstream groups, and aspects of modernity accommodated within the Indigenous sense of self. Our aim within this project has been to analyse and discuss the ways in which children construct identity, both their own and that of others. Children were asked to share their thoughts through drawings which were then used as the basis for conversation with the researchers. In this way the interaction between mainstream modernity and traditional Indigenous identity is made available for discussion and the connection between children’s lived experiences of identity and the wider global discussion is both immediately enacted and located within broader international understandings of Indigenous cultures and their place in the world."

Reasonable Children

Reasonable Children

PDF Reasonable Children Download

  • Author: Michael S. Pritchard
  • Publisher:
  • ISBN:
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 224

The public outcry for a return to moral education in our schools has raised more dust than it's dispelled. Building upon his provocative ideas in On Becoming Responsible, Michael Pritchard clears the air with a sensible plan for promoting our children's moral education through the teaching of reasonableness. Pritchard contends that children have a definite but frequently untapped capacity for reasonableness and that schools in a democratic society must make the nurturing of that capacity one of their primary aims, as fundamental to learning as the development of reading, writing, and math skills. Reasonableness itself, he shows, can be best cultivated through the practice of philosophical inquiry within a classroom community. In such an environment, children learn to work together, to listen to one another, to build on one another's ideas, to probe assumptions and different perspectives, and ultimately to think for themselves. Advocating approaches to moral education that avoid mindless indoctrination and timid relativism, Pritchard neither preaches nor hides behind abstractions. He makes liberal use of actual classroom dialogues to illustrate children's remarkable capacity to engage in reasonable conversation about moral concepts involving fairness, cheating, loyalty, truthtelling, lying, making and keeping promises, obedience, character, and responsibility. He also links such discussions to fundamental concerns over law and moral authority, the roles of teachers and parents, and the relationship between church and state. Pritchard draws broadly and deeply from the fields of philosophy and psychology, as well as from his own extensive personal experience working with children and teachers. The result is a rich and insightful work that provides real hope for the future of our children and their moral education.

Educating Children and Young People in Care

Educating Children and Young People in Care

PDF Educating Children and Young People in Care Download

  • Author: Sonia Jackson
  • Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
  • ISBN: 085700719X
  • Category : Education
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 256

Children and young people in care rarely match the academic achievements of their peers and policy and procedures to address this inequality have not yet remedied the problem. Drawing on ideas from social pedagogy, the authors present a new approach - learning placements and caring schools. They show that education and care must be considered integral to both out of home placements and schools. Packed with practice examples, it includes chapters on early childhood education and care, as well as alternatives to school and higher education, covering everything from birth up to the age of 25. It highlights the potential benefits of a range of learning opportunities, from drama and outdoor activities, to bedtime stories and mentoring as well as providing support for teachers in their role as carer. Chapters include key points, case studies, practice points and useful resources. This is a unique evidence-informed practical guide for students and professionals in the fields of social work, social care, psychology and education.

Participatory Research with Children and Young People

Participatory Research with Children and Young People

PDF Participatory Research with Children and Young People Download

  • Author: Susan Groundwater-Smith
  • Publisher: SAGE
  • ISBN: 1473911265
  • Category : Social Science
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 217

This book sets out a clear framework for conducting participatory research with children and young people within a discussion of the rights of the child. Through extensive case studies and a close review of contemporary literature, in relation to early childhood through to late adolescence, the book serves as a critical guide to issues in participative research for students and researchers. The book includes chapters on: Designing your research project Ethical considerations Innovative methods Publication and dissemination.

Children Living in Temporary Shelters

Children Living in Temporary Shelters

PDF Children Living in Temporary Shelters Download

  • Author: Alice M. Epps
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 1317776771
  • Category : Social Science
  • Languages : en
  • Pages : 113

First published in 1998. The problem of homelessness is increasing nationally in volume, variety, and visibility, with the subpopulation of homeless families with children growing the fastest. An unstable living environment places these families, especially the children at risk, of accomplishing positive, adaptive socialization. In addition, the provision of supportive services to these children, impose an excessive economic burden on the public. The paucity of information and research concerning what homelessness means for children who are members of these families, are reasons for undertaking this work. The book provides a survey research model to collect and analyze information, about what the circumstances of homelessness means from the perspective of children sheltered with homeless families.