Elevating Co-Teaching through UDL

Elevating Co-Teaching through UDL

Co-teaching-the practice of having special education and regular education teachers work together in inclusive classrooms-is one way to ensure that all students have equal access to challenging academic content. But the practice is a challenging one, requiring thoughtful planning and execution by cooperative classroom professionals. Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a framework for designing inclusive learning environments, offers co-teachers structure and guidance in pursuing their goal to create successful learning environments for all students. In this book, veteran co-teacher and UDL expert Elizabeth Stein shows how to apply the UDL principles and guidelines to the practice of co-teaching. How does UDL inform the lesson-planning process? What does UDL look like in the classroom? What role does formative assessment play? How do you get buy-in for the UDL approach from administrators, parents, and students themselves? These and other questions are answered in this must-have book for anyone interested in co-teaching.

  • Format: Paperback | 208 pages
  • Dimensions: 152 x 229 x 15.24mm | 385.55g
  • Publication date: 30 Sep 2016
  • Publisher: CAST Professional Publishing
  • Publication City/Country: Wakefield, United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 1930583583
  • ISBN13: 9781930583580
  • Bestsellers rank: 35,159

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