Gateway to Arabic Extension: First Extension Bk. 1

Gateway to Arabic Extension: First Extension Bk. 1

"Gateway to Arabic Extension Book One" addresses the needs of students who have completed Book Two of the "Gateway" series and wish to have the opportunity to practise further the skills they have acquired. This book aims to engage the student in a variety of language games, exercises and dialogue activities that will serve to reinforce the vocabulary, grammar and skills they have already learned in Book Two. In addition, it introduces additional extensive vocabulary, new sentence structures - including simple verbal sentences - and conversational skills in a lively, interactive manner. It is ideally suited for use in the classroom.

  • Format: Paperback | 68 pages
  • Dimensions: 209.55 x 290 x 6.35mm | 244.94g
  • Publication date: 01 Jan 2004
  • Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: Greenford, United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • Illustrations note: 150ill.(some col.)
  • ISBN10: 0954083342
  • ISBN13: 9780954083342
  • Bestsellers rank: 286,067

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